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Virtual COM Port

Configuring the Virtual COM Port

This section describes how to configure the Virtual COM Port.

To open the configuration settings window, click on the device and then Configure directly beneath the output devices list. Alternatively, you can right-click to open the context menu and then select Configure.

You can activate or deactivate the Virtual COM Port by ticking the Enabled box in the configuration window.

You can choose how you want to acknowledge receipt of measurement data in Feedback. If you select one of the following entries, green LED, red LED or red & green LED, confirmation is made as soon as the virtual COM Port output device has processed the measurement value. If you want confirmation to be done by software (e.g. CAQ) then select Via remote from the menu list.

If you select Via remote confirmation from external software (CAQ) is expected.

The name of the Virtual COM Port you access via Windows® is shown in the COM port name. You can change the name of the COM port by entering a new name and clicking Apply (e.g. “COM_ELIASOUT”)

Data output format can be changed in Format options. As standard the serial number of the transmitter, a gap, the value and Return are transmitted (ASCII 13).

Extendet allows you to make further format changes.

In the entry fields, Serial number, Measurement value and Name you can define placeholders for the serial number and the measurement value. As a standard <S> is defined for the serial number, <M> for the measurement value and <N> for name.

Under Change decimal separator you can decide on what decimal separator. Measuring devices commonly use a decimal point as separator for data transfer. However, German language Excel files expect a decimal comma.

Often data is transferred with a prefix of either a '+' or 'minus'; under Measurement value options you can choose to add or omit '+' or '-' as a data prefix.

The information is collated in the Format field. The example above contains the serial number, a space, the measurement value and the closing character, a carriage return. You can also add further characters. Non-displayable characters are shown as hexadecimals in chevron brackets. In this example <x0D> represents Return.

en/mdm/outputdevices/virtualcomport.1455528025.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/15 10:20 by sh