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en:infra-convert:user:functions:drwcomp [2018/12/04 11:29]
me [Workflow]
en:infra-convert:user:functions:drwcomp [2023/07/30 12:27]
me [Workflow]
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 |< 100% 5% 15% 40% 40% >| |< 100% 5% 15% 40% 40% >|
 ^  Step  ^^  Action ​ ^  Result ​ ^ ^  Step  ^^  Action ​ ^  Result ​ ^
-^  1  ^ Invoke ​function | In the Project overview” function window, right-click ​on the target drawing sheet for which you wish to transfer ​the test characteristics ​into the test planIn the context menu that opens, click on **Compare drawing sheet** ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:icon_zeichnungen_vergleichen.png?nolink&15|}}):\\ {{:en:infra-convert:user:functions:projekt-explorer_dokumente_vergleichen.png?​direct&​400}} ​This opens the Compare drawing sheet versions” dialogue window. It will show you a list of the source drawing sheets available for comparison: ​{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:dialogfenster_dokumente_vergleichen.png?direct&400}}\\ \\ **Note** A source drawing sheet must have a different test plan version ​assigned to it than the target drawing sheet version. | +^  1  ^ Call function | **1)** In the "Project overview", right-click the target drawing sheet to whose test plan version ​you want to transfer characteristics.\\ {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:zeichnungsvergleich_blattversionen_auswaehlen.png?nolink |}} | **1)** A selection dialog opens. | 
-^  2  ^ Select source | Select the corresponding drawing sheet and click on **OK**. The working area will be transformedAs described under User interface > Function ​window ​> [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​drwcomp|Drawing comparison,]] the “Compare drawing” function window is displayed at the bottom left as well as the source ​and target drawing window ​placed directly above:\\ {{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​programmfenster_dokumente_vergleichen_start.png?direct&​400}} | +^  ​:::  ​^ ​::: | **2)** Under ​the **Compare drawing sheet** entry ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:icon_zeichnungen_vergleichen.png?nolink&15|}}), first select the source test plan version and then the source drawing sheet.\\ \\ **Note** A source drawing sheet must be assigned to a different test plan version than the version of the target drawing sheet. | **2)** The drawing comparison mode is started. The source and target drawing windows are displayed side by side.\\ \\ **See** User interface > Function ​windows ​> [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​drwcomp|Drawing comparison]] ​
-^  3  ^ Apply characteristics | Click on the blue **Apply characteristics** button in the Drawing comparison” function window ​to automatically compare all characteristics.\\ \\ **Note** The blue button will only be displayed when starting a new drawing sheet comparison. The **Apply characteristics** ​button ​({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_merkmale_uebertragen.png?​nolink&​15|}}) in the toolbar ​initiates the same function. | All target ​characteristics ​now entered were recognised as unchanged, see the “Status”\\ \\  column.\\ \\ Characteristics ​\\ - with a modified property,\\ - that no longer ​exist,\\ - have been extracted from text blocks\\ - must be stamped as group or\\ - must be added manually\\ will be tagged with the status “Not found”:\\ {{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​programmfenster_merkmale_uebertragen_ende.png?direct&​400}} +^  [2]  ^ [Optional]\\ Highlight changes | **1)** To visually highlight changes, you can use the red-green comparison mode by clicking ​the **Highlight changes** button. ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_rot_gruen_vergleich.png?​nolink&​15|}}) | **1)** Added ​and removed elements are highlighted in the target drawing window.\\ {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​zeichnungsverleich_aenderungen_hervorheben.png?nolink |}} | 
-^  [4]  ^ [Optional]\\ Compare drawing views | If characteristics of an entire view cannot be applied, this could be because the view has been moved by the drawing creator, either within the sheet itself or to another sheet. For this reason, you have the option to compare drawing views.\\ \\ Complete ​the steps described [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:viewcomp|here]] (Functions > Drawings > Compare drawing views) and then continue with step 5 as described below. || +^  3  ^ Transfer ​characteristics | **1)** In the "Drawing comparison" ​function window, click **Transfer ​characteristics** ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_merkmale_uebertragen.png?​nolink&​15|}}). If no characteristic has been transferred yet, you can use the large floating button above the comparison list. It corresponds to the small button ​in the toolbar. | **1)** All characteristics ​that do not meet one of the following criteria are automatically transferredThey are marked in the comparison list with the status "​Unchanged"​. | 
-^  ​ ​^ ​Merge changed characteristics ​| **1)** Go through the characteristic ​list. Characteristics \\ with a modified property,\\ - that must be stamped as a group,\\ - can only be stamped once a text block has been deconstructed\\ - or must be added manually\\  can now be merged manually.\\ \\ **Note** Double-click on a characteristic in the list in order to centre ​the drawing ​window on itand you can also enlarge it using the **Zoom to centre** tool ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_werkzeug_mittelpunkt_heranzoomen.png?​nolink&​15}}). \\ \\ In the corresponding rowclick on the **Merge** button ​({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_merkmal_zusammenfuegen.png?​nolink&​15}}). Then, move the cursor to the target characteristic ​on the drawing ​sheet.\\ \\ In this example, characteristic no. 2, which has had its tolerance property changed from the default to a specified tolerance of “±0.8”,​ will be applied to the new test plan version upon merging:\\ {{:en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​programmfenster_merkmal_zusammenfuegen_start.png?​direct&​400}} ​| **1)** The stamp function is active. The cursor changes to the stamp icon {{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​cursor_stamp_merge.png?​nolink&​15}}:\\ {{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:programmfenster_merkmal_zusammenfuegen_auswahl.png?direct&400}} | +^  :::  ^ ::: | **When is a characteristic automatically transferred?​**\\ A characteristic is automatically transferred (A) unless one of the following cases applies:\\  B) The drawing entry has changed in its properties.\\  C) The drawing entry no longer ​exists or has been moved.\\  D) The drawing entry is located in grouped element.\\  E) The drawing entry is not grouped in the target.\\  F) The characteristic was inserted manually on the source drawing sheet and the setting that manually inserted characteristics should be transferred automatically is not set, see [[#​Customization]].\\ ​\\ {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​zeichnungsverleich_automatisches_uebertragen.png?nolink |}}\\ \\ **Note** You can check whether elements are grouped or separated by activating ​the **Stamp tool** ({{:en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:icon_werkzeug_stempeln.png?​nolink&​15|}}) and moving the mouse pointer over the elements. Elements that belong together are highlighted together. || 
-^  :::  ^ ::: | **2)** Stamp the characteristic ​\\ - as a single characteristic,​ \\ - as a group (see also Functions > Characteristics > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​ballooning|Automatically stamp]]) or\\ - manually (see also Functions ​Characteristics ​> [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​ballooning_man|Manually stamp]]). | **2a)** If there are varying characteristic properties, the “Varying characteristics” dialogue window will open:\\ {{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​dialogfenster_merkmale_unterschiedlich.png?direct&​400}}\\ \\ **2b)** This prompt does not appear if there are no differencesInsteadthe characteristic is applied directly as a target characteristic and marked as unchangedYou can disregard step 3 in this case. | +^  ​:::  ​^ ​::: | **2)** Go through the comparison ​list. By double-clicking on an entrythe view jumps to the corresponding position in the source and target drawing sheets. Depending on the caseyou can apply the following three steps:\\  **3a)** A grouping ​must first be decomposed (case D)\\  **3b)** A view has moved: Use the function **Transfer characteristics in view**.\\ **3c)** The target drawing entry has changed (cases B, C, E, F): Use the **Link** function || 
-^  ​:::  ​^ ​::: | **3)** Click on **Yes** to create a new characteristic. | **3)** A new characteristic has been created. The differences to the comparison characteristic are retained in the “Changed properties” column in the characteristic list. Depending on the setting "Stamp marking when merging" ​(see [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:drwcomp#​Adjustment|Adjustment]]), a feature with the same label will be created:\\ {{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:programmfenster_unterschiedliche_merkmale_zusammenfuegen.png?direct&400}}\\ \\ or a new stamp number will be created:\\ {{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:programmfenster_unterschiedliche_merkmale_zusammenfuegen_neues_merkmal.png?direct&400}} | +^  4a  ^ Explode groupings ​in the target | In case characteristics were not transferred because the target ​drawing ​entries are grouped in a block of drawing elements (case D), you can explode ​the block and then click **Transfer Characteristics** ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_merkmale_uebertragen.png?​nolink&​15|}}) again. It may be necessary to exploded a block several times.\\ \\ **See** Functions > Characteristics > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​disassemble|Deconstruct text block]] || 
-^  ​ ​^ ​Close function window ​| Close the function ​via by clicking ​**Exit drawing comparison** ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_bestaetigen.png?​nolink&​15|}}) in the toolbar.\\ \\ **Note** You can go back at any point to view the comparisons made and to edit them further. To do soinvoke ​the function as described ​under step 1. | The drawing window opens with the target drawing sheet. ​You can continue working as usual here. |+^  4b  ^ Transfer characteristics in view | If a drawing view has been moved on the sheet itself or to another sheetor if you want to transfer only the stamps currently displayed in the source drawing window, you can use the **Transfer displayed features** function ​({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_in_ansicht_uebertragen.png?​nolink&​0x15}}). Follow ​the instructions ​on the Compare ​drawing ​views page and then proceed to the following step 4.\\ \\ **See** Functions > Drawings > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​viewcomp|Compare drawing views]] || 
 +^  4c  ^ Link characteristics ​| **1)**  ​In ​the comparison list, a **Link** button ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_merkmal_zusammenfuegen.png?​nolink&​15}}) is displayed in the line of source characteristics that have not yet been transferred (status "Not linked"​). Click this and then move the mouse pointer to the target drawing entry. | **1)** The mouse pointer shows a stamp icon ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:cursor_stamp_merge.png?nolink&15}}). 
 +^  :::  ^ ::: | **2)** Stamp the characteristic ​either ​as a single characteristic ​(cases B and C)\\ {{ :en:infra-convert:​user:​functions:​zeichnungsverleich_manuell_uebertragen_b_c.png?​nolink |}}\\ … as a group (case E)¹ or …\\ **See** Functions > Characteristics > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​ballooning_group|Automatic stamping (grouped)]]\\ {{ :en:infra-convert:​user:​functions:​zeichnungsverleich_manuell_uebertragen_e.png?​nolink |}}\\ … manually (case F).\\ **Siehe** Funktionen ​Merkmale ​> [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​ballooning_man|Manuell stempeln]]\\ {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​zeichnungsverleich_manuell_uebertragen_f.png?nolink |}}\\ \\ **Note¹** The control key (**STRG**can only be used from program version 3.1.0. | **2)** Quell- und Ziel-Merkmal wurden verknüpftDas Ziel-Merkmal erhält nach Standardeinstellung dieselbe Stempelnummersiehe [[#​Anpassung]]Wenn sich Merkmaleigenschaften unterscheiden,​ wird dies mit dem Status »Bearbeitet« angezeigt. Die geänderten Eigenschaften sind in der ganz rechten Spalte aufgeführt 
 +^  ​[5]  ​^ ​[Optional]\\ Vergleichsliste exportieren ​The currently displayed comparison list can be exported in XLSX or CSV formats by clicking ​**Export characteristics compare list** ({{:en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:icon_export_pruefplan.png?​nolink&​15|}}in the toolbar. || 
 +^  [6]  ^ [Optional]\\ Transfer annotations | In the **Drawing Comparison** function window, click **Transfer annotations**. ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:icon_anmerkungen_uebertragen.png?nolink&15|}}).\\ \\ **Note** Available from program version 3.5.0. | Annotations were transferred to the same place on the target drawing sheet. | 
 +^  [7]  ^ [Optional]\\ Export comparison view | The comparison view with highlighted changes can be exported as an image in PNG format by clicking **Export comparison view** ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:icon_export_vergleichsansicht.png?nolink&15|}}) in the toolbar. The view is exported according to the last set change display (show added and/or removed elements) without stamps and with the export settings set for drawing graphics (width, height, edge smoothing).\\ \\ **Note** Available from program version 4.2.0. |
 +^  ​ ​^ ​End drawing comparison ​| Close the drawing comparison mode via **Exit drawing comparison** ({{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​interface:​icon_verlassen.png?​nolink&​15|}}) in the toolbar. You can return ​at any time to view and further edit the comparisons made. To do thiscall up the function as described ​in step 1. | The drawing window opens with the target drawing sheet. ​Here you can continue working as usual. |
 \\  \\ 
Line 50: Line 56:
 <WRAP column 25%> <WRAP column 25%>
-**Stamp marking when merging**+**Numbering**
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
Line 56: Line 62:
 <WRAP column 65%> <WRAP column 65%>
-Determine ​whether ​characteristic’s label should be transferred ​when merging ​or if a new one should be created.\\ **See** Settings > Settings > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​stamps|Stamp]]+Specify ​whether ​the characteristic ​number ​should be retained or newly assigned ​when merging.\\ **See** Settings > Settings ​> Stamps ​> [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​stamps#​number_assignment_during_drawing_comparison_group|“Number assignment during drawing comparison” group]] 
 +<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP column 25%> 
 +**Manually inserted characteristics** 
 +<WRAP column 65%> 
 +Specify whether you want manually inserted characteristics to be transferred automatically during transfer.\\ **See** Settings > Settings > Stamp > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​stamps#​“Transfer of manually inserted characteristics during drawing comparison” group|“Transfer of manually inserted characteristics during drawing comparison” group]] 
 +<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP column 25%> 
 +**Highlight changes** 
 +<WRAP column 65%> 
 +Set the display mode of the change highlight mode (red-green comparison).\\ **See** Settings > Settings > Comparison > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​comparison#"​Highlight Changes (Red-Green Comparison)"​ group|"​Highlight Changes (Red-Green Comparison)"​ group]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
en/infra-convert/user/functions/drwcomp.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/30 12:27 by me