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en:infra-convert:user:quick_guide [2021/09/08 08:57]
en:infra-convert:user:quick_guide [2023/06/27 13:14]
Line 3: Line 3:
 <WRAP noprint> <WRAP noprint>
-> User manual #@IC_HTML@# > Introduction+> User manual #@IC_HTML@# > More
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-====== Quick start ======+<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP column 3.5%> 
 +<WRAP column 91.5%> 
 +<​html><​b><​font size="​+2">​Quick start</​font></​b></​html>​ 
 ---- ----
Line 17: Line 24:
 \\  \\ 
-==== From setting up the program ​to productive work ====+==== Step by step to productive work ==== 
 +The following is an example of a common way to configure #@IC_HTML@# and deploy the defaults across the enterprise. However, the settings do not need to be distributed via configuration file (step 3) and projects do not need to be prepared as templates (step 4).
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​half> +<WRAP column ​15%>
-\\ +
-{{en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​einrichten_und_arbeiten_mit_infra_convert.png?​nolink| }}+{{en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schritt_fuer_schritt_einrichtung_01.png?​nolink| }}
-\\  +</WRAP> 
- +<WRAP column 80%> 
-<html><font size=1>* Definitions for category, tag, stamp template and class are part of the project after being invoked when creating a project and can not be changed later. Definitions for category, tag and stamp template can be changed in the opened project.</​font></​html>​+**Install program**
 +Install #@IC_HTML@# on the designated workstation PCs (clients).\\  **See** Installation > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​installation:​sysreq|System requirements]]\\  **See** Installation > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​installation:​workflow|Installation]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column half> 
-<WRAP outdent> 
-**Set up #​@IC_HTML@#​** 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​4%> +<WRAP column ​15%> 
 +{{en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schritt_fuer_schritt_einrichtung_02.png?​nolink| }} 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​86%> +<WRAP column ​80%> 
-Install #@IC_HTML@# on the designated workstation PCs.\\ ​**See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​installation:​sysreq|System requirements]]\\ **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​installation:​workflow|Installation]]+**Set up license** 
 +Install ​the license service, a utility, on a license server you specify. Start #@IC_HTML@# on any client and connect to the license server: Select ​**Server** and enter the name of the host. Send the displayed registration key to your provider. You will then receive a license file, which you load on the client in #​@IC_HTML@#​. The license is sent to the license server and stored there.\\ **See** Installation > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​installation:​licfloat|Set up a server license]] 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​4%> +<WRAP column ​15%> 
-2) + 
-</​WRAP>​ +{{en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:ic_schritt_fuer_schritt_einrichtung_03.png?​nolink}}
-<WRAP column 86%> +
-Request your license file with the registration key generated there and load it into the program.\\ **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​installation:licsingle|Set up a single user license]]\\ **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​installation:​licfloat|Set up a multi-user license]] +
-</​WRAP>​ +
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP column 4%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​86%> +<WRAP column ​80%> 
-Define the behavior of #@IC_HTML@# in the settings.\\ ​**See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user#​einstellungen|Settings]]+**Configure program**
-If necessary, adapt the templates for →[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​terms#kategorie_merkmal|Categories]],​ →[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​terms#kennzeichnung|Tags]]→[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​terms#​stempel_stempeln|stamp templates]], →[[en:​infra-convert:​user:terms#klasse_merkmal|characteristic classes]] and →[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​terms#​toleranztabelle|tolerance tables]] to your needs. The templates, except for the tolerance tables, are loaded when a project is created*.+Define ​the behavior of #@IC_HTML@in the settingsfor example the default project template folder, details of the characteristic recognition,​ the type of stamp number assignment or the directory for Excel test report ​templates. You open the settings menu via **Edit** (menu bar) > **Settings**.\\  **See** Settings > [[en:​infra-convert:​user#​settings|Settings]]
-You can save the definitions for tags, categories and stamp templates as well as the default pre-selected tolerance tables.\\ **See** Settings > Project settings ​Tags > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​label#save_export|Save/Export]]+> **Note** Some settings ​can only be set in administrator mode.\\ **See** Settings > Settings ​Administration ​> [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​administration#open|Open]]
-The definitions for feature classes and tolerance tables can be edited using the text editor.\\ **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​dev:​characteristicclasses|Parameter file "​CharacteristicClasses"​]]\\ **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​dev:​toltab|Tolerance tables]]+<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP third column>
-You can also design ​the templates for Excel test reports yourself.\\ **See** [[en:infra-convert:​user:​exceltemp|Create and customize Excel templates]] +Your individual settings, if you have not worked in administrator mode, are stored in the configuration file **Settings.json** in the directory ​**%AppData%\ELIAS GmbH\infra-CONVERT**. Copy the file out here.
-</​WRAP>​ +
-<WRAP outdent> 
-Working with #@IC_HTML@# 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +<WRAP twothirds column>
-<WRAP group> +{{ en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​settings_in_appdata.png?​nolink ​}}
-<WRAP column 4%> +
-4) +
-</​WRAP>​ +
-<WRAP column 86%> +
-Create one project per inspection object (component or assembly with a material or article number) and inspection plan. Several drawing sheets can be assigned to a test plan.\\ **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide#From the drawing to the test planthe essential steps|From the drawing to the test plan: the essential steps]]\\ **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​terms#​drawing_data_format|Drawing data format]] +
-</​WRAP>​ +
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP column 4%> 
-<WRAP column 86%> 
-In the event of a drawing change, quickly and safely create a new inspection plan version based on an existing version. Test plan versions are managed within a project for this purpose.\\ **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​drwcompsimple|Compare drawings (Basic version)]]\\ **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​drwcomp|Compare drawings (Pro version)]] 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-</WRAP> +In administrator mode you can export all currently set settings directly: **Edit** ​**Settings** ​**Administration**.\\  **See** Settings > Settings > Administration > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​administration#​export_configuration_files_group|“Export configuration files” group]]
-\\ +Open the Settings.json file with a text editor and delete all unnecessary settings, especially user-specific paths.\\  **See** Administrator'​s Manual > Configuration and import > "​Settings"​ Parameter file > [[en:​infra-convert:​dev:​settings#​list_of_the_settings|List of the settings]]
-\\  +<WRAP group> 
-==== From the drawing ​to the test plan: the essential steps ====+<WRAP third column>​ 
 +The two setting parameters in the adjacent example specify ​the path to the license server (**LicenseServerUrl**) and enable ​the annotation function (**AnnotationsEnabled**).
-Below, we'll walk you through ​the basic steps needed to create a test plan in #@IC_HTML@# from drawing.+Setting parameters are written consecutively in the form **″Parameter″:​ {}** and separated by comma. The order does not matter.
-Alternatively,​ the free [[https://​​playlist?​list=PL7OzlhYZmEEimfSpzJhGMh7Cbkb7VLX4u|training videos (YouTube)]] are available.+</WRAP> 
 +<WRAP twothirds column>
-----+{{ en:infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​settings_json_in_texteditor_bearbeiten.png?​nolink | }}
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP centeralign>​ 
-<WRAP column 8%> 
-[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide#​Create project|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_projekt_anlegen.png?​nolink&​0x80}}]]\\ Create project 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column 8%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column 9%+You can now make the prepared configuration file available to other users on the workstation PCs, either in the ProgramData or in the user-specific AppData directory. The advantage of the ProgramData directory (**%ProgramData%\ELIAS GmbH\infra-convert**) is that directly all users get the desired settings. The disadvantages are that the directory can only be written to with administrative rights and there may already be user-specific settings in the AppData directory that take precedence over your settingsYou do not have these disadvantages with the AppData directory (**%AppData%\ELIAS GmbH\infra-CONVERT**). Moreover, users can copy the configuration file here by themselves.
-[[en:infra-convert:user:​quick_guide#​Create test plan|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_pruefplan_erstellen.png?​nolink&​0x80|}}]]\\ Create test plan +
-<WRAP column 8%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column 9%> 
-[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide#​Import drawing|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_zeichnungsblatt_hinzufuegen.png?​nolink&​0x80|}}]]\\ Import drawing 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​8%> +<WRAP group> 
-{{:en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_pfeil_nach_rechts.png?nolink&0x80|}} +<WRAP column ​15%> 
 +{{en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schritt_fuer_schritt_einrichtung_04.png?​nolink| }}
-<WRAP column 9%> 
-[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide#​Stamp|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_stempeln.png?​nolink&​0x80|}}]]\\ Stamp 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +<WRAP column 80%>
 +**Create project templates**
-<WRAP column 8%> +Name the project and the first test plan version. Define the tags, categories, and stamp templates.* Save the project as a template and store it on a file server, for example, so that it can be accessed centrally from all workstation PCs. Project templates can also be used, for example, to map different inspection planning scenarios.\\  **See** Functions ​Projects > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:saveprojectastemplate|Save project as template]] 
 +* – Class definitions can be customized with a text editor in the corresponding configuration fileAfter customization,​ a new project must be created to load the definitions.\\  **See** Administrator'​s Manual > Configuration and Import > [[en:​infra-convert:​dev:​characteristicclasses|Parameter file "​CharacteristicClasses"​]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP column 15%>
 +{{en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schritt_fuer_schritt_einrichtung_05.png?​nolink| }}
-<WRAP column 9%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +<WRAP column 80%>
 +**Create test report templates**
 +Test plan data can be exported from #@IC_HTML@# directly into an Excel test report. You can use or adapt the Excel templates supplied directly, but you can just as easily create your own templates or continue to use existing company templates.\\  **See** More > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​exceltemp|Create and customize Excel templates]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-\\ +The productive work can now be started.
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<​WRAP ​centeralign>+<​WRAP ​column 22.5%>
-<WRAP column 9%> +{{en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schritt_fuer_schritt_arbeiten_01.png?​nolink| }}
-[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide#​Reposition stamps|{{:en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_stempel_neu_positionieren.png?nolink&0x80|}}]]\\ Reposition stamps +
-<WRAP column 8%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +<WRAP column 72.5%>
 +**Create project and test plan**
-<WRAP column 9%> +Create a project for each object to be inspected (component or assembly with a part number). Several drawing sheets can be assigned to one test plan.\\  **See** [[#From the drawing to the test planThe essential work steps|From the drawing to the test plan]]\\  **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​terms#​drawing_data_format|Drawing data format]]
-[[en:infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide#​Change numbering|{{:en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_stempel_neu_nummerieren.png?​nolink&​0x80|}}]]\\ Change numbering +
-<WRAP column 8%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column 9%> 
-[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide#​Save project|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_projekt_speichern.png?​nolink&​0x80|}}]]\\ Save project 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column 8%> 
-<​WRAP ​column 9%> +<​WRAP ​group
-[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide#​Export drawing|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_pdf_exportieren.png?​nolink&​0x80|}}]]\\ Export drawing +<​WRAP ​column 22.5%>
-<WRAP column 8%> +{{en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schritt_fuer_schritt_arbeiten_03.png?​nolink| }}
-{{:en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_pfeil_nach_rechts.png?nolink&0x80|}} +
-<WRAP column 9%> 
-[[en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide#​Export test plan|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_pruefplan_exportieren.png?​nolink&​0x80|}}]]\\ Export test plan 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +<WRAP column 72.5%>
 +**Versioning the test plan**
 +In the event of a drawing change, you can use the drawing comparison to quickly and safely create a new test plan version based on the previous version. Test plan versions are managed within a project.\\  **See** [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​drwcomp|Compare drawings]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 \\  \\ 
-<WRAP group> +==== From the drawing to the test planThe essential work steps ====
-<WRAP column 8%> +
-{{:en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_projekt_anlegen.png?​nolink&​0x80}} +
-<WRAP column 87%>+Below we will guide you through the basic steps to create a test plan from a drawing in #​@IC_HTML@#​.
-==== Create project ====+<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP centeralign>​
-(Full functional description:​ Functions > Projects > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:newproject|Create ​new project]])+[[#Create project|{{:en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:ic_schnelleinstieg_arbeitsschritte_01.png?​nolink&​80|Create project}}]]  
 +[[#Import drawing|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schnelleinstieg_arbeitsschritte_02.png?​nolink&​80|Import drawing}}]]  
 +[[#Stempel positionieren|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schnelleinstieg_arbeitsschritte_04.png?​nolink&​80|Reposition stamps}}]]  
 +[[#Change numbering|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schnelleinstieg_arbeitsschritte_05.png?​nolink&​80|Change numbering}}]]  
 +[[#Export drawing|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schnelleinstieg_arbeitsschritte_06.png?​nolink&​80|Export drawing}}]]  
 +[[#Export test plan|{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​ic_schnelleinstieg_arbeitsschritte_07.png?​nolink&​80|Export test plan}}]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-{{page>​en:infra-convert:​user:​functions:​newproject_workflow_en}}+Alternatively,​ the free [[https://​​playlist?​list=PL7OzlhYZmEEimfSpzJhGMh7Cbkb7VLX4u|training videos (YouTube)]] are available.
 \\  \\ 
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​8%> +<WRAP column ​10%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​87%>+<WRAP column ​85%>
-==== Create ​test plan ====+==== Create ​project ​====
-(Full functional description:​ Functions > Test plans > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​1stqcp|Create ​test plan]]) +(Full functional description:​ Functions > Projects ​> [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​newproject|Create ​new project]])
- +
-**Note** As of program version 1.2, when creating a new project, a first inspection plan version **New inspection plan (A)** is created directly.+
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 \\  \\ 
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​8%> +<WRAP column ​10%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​87%>+<WRAP column ​85%>
 ==== Import drawing ==== ==== Import drawing ====
Line 249: Line 225:
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​8%> +<WRAP column ​10%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​87%>+<WRAP column ​85%>
 ==== Stamp ==== ==== Stamp ====
Line 266: Line 242:
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​8%> +<WRAP column ​10%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​87%>+<WRAP column ​85%>
 ==== Reposition stamps ==== ==== Reposition stamps ====
Line 283: Line 259:
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​8%> +<WRAP column ​10%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​87%>+<WRAP column ​85%>
 ==== Change numbering ==== ==== Change numbering ====
Line 300: Line 276:
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​8%> +<WRAP column ​10%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​87%> +<WRAP column ​85%>
- +
-==== Save project ==== +
- +
-(Full functional description:​ Functions > Projects > [[de:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​saveproject|Save project]]) +
- +
-</​WRAP>​ +
- +
-{{page>​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​saveproject_workflow_en}} +
- +
-\\  +
- +
-<WRAP group> +
-<WRAP column 8%> +
-{{:​en:​infra-convert:​user:​quick_guide:​icon_schnelleinstieg_pdf_exportieren.png?​nolink&​0x80}} +
-</​WRAP>​ +
- +
-<WRAP column 87%>+
 ==== Export drawing ==== ==== Export drawing ====
Line 334: Line 293:
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
-<WRAP column ​8%> +<WRAP column ​10%> 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP column ​87%>+<WRAP column ​85%>
 ==== Export test plan ==== ==== Export test plan ====
Line 357: Line 316:
 <WRAP rightalign>​ <WRAP rightalign>​
 **Go to previous page**\\ ​ **Go to previous page**\\ ​
-[[en:​infra-convert:​user:wiki|User manual tips]]+[[en:​infra-convert:​faq|Frequently asked questions and answers]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-**Go to next page**\\  +\\ 
-Installation > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​installation:​sysreq|System requirements]]+
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
en/infra-convert/user/quick_guide.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/29 10:21 by me