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en:infra-convert:dev:settings [2024/02/01 11:16]
en:infra-convert:dev:settings [2024/05/30 11:47] (current)
Line 225: Line 225:
 ^ Multi​Characteristic​Splitt | Create individual characteristics from dimensions, indicating repetitions:​\\ **true** Yes\\ **false** No | User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​features#​“Dimensions with details of repetitions” group]] | ^ Multi​Characteristic​Splitt | Create individual characteristics from dimensions, indicating repetitions:​\\ **true** Yes\\ **false** No | User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​features#​“Dimensions with details of repetitions” group]] |
 ^ Geometric tolerances ^^^ ^ Geometric tolerances ^^^
-^ Characteristic​Geometric​Dimensioning​​Tolerancing | Processing the shape and positional tolerances:​\\ **Nominal** Nominal value = width of the tolerance zone; Upper tol. = 0; Lower tol. = 0\\ **NominalWithLower** Nominal value = width of the tolerance zone; Upper tol. = 0; Lower tol. = (-1) x width of the tolerance zone\\ **Upper** Nominal value = 0; Upper tol. = width of the tolerance zone; Lower tol. = 0\\ **NominalWithUpper** Nominal value = width of the tolerance zone; Upper tol. = width of the tolerance zone; Lower tol. = 0 | User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​features#​“Shape and positional tolerances” group]] |+^ Characteristic​Geometric​Dimensioning​​Tolerancing | Processing the shape and positional tolerances:​\\ **Nominal** Nominal value = width of the tolerance zone; Upper tol. = 0; Lower tol. = 0\\ **NominalWithLower** Nominal value = width of the tolerance zone; Upper tol. = 0; Lower tol. = (-1) x width of the tolerance zone\\ **Upper** Nominal value = 0; Upper tol. = width of the tolerance zone; Lower tol. = 0\\ **NominalWithUpper** Nominal value = width of the tolerance zone; Upper tol. = width of the tolerance zone; Lower tol. = 0\\ **SplitToUpperAndLower** Nominal value = 0; Upper tol. = (+0,5) x width of the tolerance zone; Lower tol. = (-0,5) x width of the tolerance zone\\ \\ **Note** SplitToUpperAndLower available from program version 4.4.5 | User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​features#​“Shape and positional tolerances” group]] |
 ^ Characteristict​Gdt​Null​Tolerance | Shape and positional tolerances: zero values are not applied in the characteristic:​\\ **true** Yes\\ **false** No | Settings > Settings > Characteristics>​ [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​features#​“Shape and positional tolerances” group]] | ^ Characteristict​Gdt​Null​Tolerance | Shape and positional tolerances: zero values are not applied in the characteristic:​\\ **true** Yes\\ **false** No | Settings > Settings > Characteristics>​ [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​features#​“Shape and positional tolerances” group]] |
 ^ Radii ^^^ ^ Radii ^^^
Line 330: Line 330:
 ^ Test plan in CSV format (*.csv) ^^^ ^ Test plan in CSV format (*.csv) ^^^
 ^ CsvExportHeaderRow | Export additional title row when exporting to a CSV file:\\ **true** Yes\\ **false** No | User manual > Settings > Export > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​export#​export_in_ascii_transfer_format_group|“CSV export” group]] | ^ CsvExportHeaderRow | Export additional title row when exporting to a CSV file:\\ **true** Yes\\ **false** No | User manual > Settings > Export > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​export#​export_in_ascii_transfer_format_group|“CSV export” group]] |
 +^ CsvAllowSpecialCharacters | Use the UTF-8 character set for CSV export:\\ **true** Yes\\ **false** No | User manual > Settings > Export > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​export#​“CSV export” group|“CSV export” group]] |
 ^ Test plan in ASCII transfer format (*.dfd, *.dfq) ^^^ ^ Test plan in ASCII transfer format (*.dfd, *.dfq) ^^^
 ^ DfdFileAdvancedFormat | Use UTF-8 character set (AQDEF format):\\ **true** Yes\\ **false** No\\ \\ **Note** Available from program version 4.1.0. | User manual > Settings > Export > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​export#​gruppe_export_im_ascii-transferformat|“Export in ASCII transfer format” group]] | ^ DfdFileAdvancedFormat | Use UTF-8 character set (AQDEF format):\\ **true** Yes\\ **false** No\\ \\ **Note** Available from program version 4.1.0. | User manual > Settings > Export > [[en:​infra-convert:​user:​config:​export#​gruppe_export_im_ascii-transferformat|“Export in ASCII transfer format” group]] |
en/infra-convert/dev/settings.1706782612.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/01 11:16 by me