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en:infra-convert:user:config:export [2023/10/23 09:42]
me [“Stamp graphic format” group]
en:infra-convert:user:config:export [2024/05/30 11:43] (current)
me [“CSV export” group]
Line 78: Line 78:
 ^  Option ​ ^^  Function ​ ^  Default setting ​ ^ ^  Option ​ ^^  Function ​ ^  Default setting ​ ^
 ^  {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​icon_steuerelement_kontrollkaestchen.png?​nolink&​0x50 |}}  ^ Export an additional title line when performing a CSV export. | Determines that a title line will be exported when performing a CSV export. You will have the option to enter values for the title line during the export process. |  {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​icon_steuerelement_kontrollkaestchen_0.png?​nolink&​0x50 |}}  | ^  {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​icon_steuerelement_kontrollkaestchen.png?​nolink&​0x50 |}}  ^ Export an additional title line when performing a CSV export. | Determines that a title line will be exported when performing a CSV export. You will have the option to enter values for the title line during the export process. |  {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​icon_steuerelement_kontrollkaestchen_0.png?​nolink&​0x50 |}}  |
 +^  {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​icon_steuerelement_kontrollkaestchen.png?​nolink&​0x50 |}}  ^ Export as UTF-8 with special characters | Use the UTF-8 character set instead of the ANSI character set. |  {{ :​en:​infra-convert:​user:​functions:​icon_steuerelement_kontrollkaestchen_0.png?​nolink&​0x50 |}}  |
 \\  \\ 
en/infra-convert/user/config/export.1698046958.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/23 09:42 by me