The navigation bar is always to the left of the sheet. Links allow you to navigate across the top two structuring levels of the Wiki.
**Link to the wiki start page** This will take you to the top level of the Wiki, the homepage.
**Directory tree** The directory tree corresponds to the table of contents on the homepage. You can switch to the product information pages and manuals arranged according to the product groups.
**Links to the homepage, webshop and legal info** The buttons direct you to our company's homepage {{:en:help:icon_home.png?nolink&17|}} and the legal info {{:en:help:icon_info.png?nolink&17|}}.
**Switch language** You can switch between the German {{:en:help:icon_deutschsprachig.png?nolink&17|}} and English {{:en:help:icon_englischsprachig.png?nolink&17|}} versions of the Wiki using these buttons.
{{ :en:help:wiki-beispielseite_navigationsleiste.png?nolink&460 |}}