> Administrator's Manual #@IC_HTML@# > Export
====== Drawing and stamp graphics ======
Stamped drawing sheets (drawing graphics) and views of stamped drawing entries (stamp graphics) can be exported in various file formats.
Drawing graphics can be exported in PDF and SVG format as well as in raster graphics format JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF or GIF. For stamp graphics, the raster graphics formats JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF or GIF are available.
> **See also**
> User Manual > Settings > Settings > Export > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:export#drawing_graphic_format_group|“Drawing graphic format” group]]
> User Manual > Settings > Settings > Export > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:export#stamp_graphic_format_group|“Stamp graphic format” group]]
The export of drawing and stamp graphics can be triggered either from the user interface or via start parameter file.
> **See also**
> User manual > Functions > Export > [[en:infra-convert:user:functions:pdfexport|Export drawing]]
> User manual > Functions > Export > [[en:infra-convert:user:functions:stampexport|Export stamp views]])
> Configuration and Import > Startup Parameter File > [[en:infra-convert:dev:parameter#Export quality test plans and stamped drawings]]
{{ :en:infra-convert:dev:zeichnungs_stempelgrafiken_uebersicht.png?nolink&350 |}}
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Export > [[en:infra-convert:dev:export:csv|CSV test plan format]]
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