~~NOTOC~~ > Administrator’s Guide #@IC_HTML@# > Export ====== Test plan format JSONV1 ====== ---- The test plan export format **JSONV1** contains significantly more information than the CSV and DFD formats. The data format is "JSON" (a description can be found [[http://www.json.org/json-de.html||here]]]), the suffix "V1" indicates version 1 of the contained test plan data structure. JSON can be read with all common programming languages. The JSONV1 export can be initiated either from the user interface (see "User manual > Functions > Export > [[en:infra-convert:user:functions:cplanexport|Export Test Plan]]") or via the start parameter file (see "Configuration and Import > Start Parameter File > [[en:infra-convert:dev:parameter#Export quality test plans and stamped drawings]]). \\ //**__Content__**//  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:export:jsonv1#Basic Structure]]\\  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:export:jsonv1#Project]]\\  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:export:jsonv1#Quality test plan version]]\\  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:export:jsonv1#Characteristics]]\\  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:export:jsonv1#Classes]]\\  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:export:jsonv1#Categories]]\\  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:export:jsonv1#Labels]] \\ ====== Basic Structure ====== A JSONV1 file is always a closed export, i.e. no external resources or tables are needed. The unique reference IDs (GUID) for classes, categories and tags used in the **Characteristics** characteristic list are referenced within the export file. They are resolved at the end of the file under the corresponding GUID. The basic structure of the JSONV1 format consists of the adjacent fields. The structure within the fields is explained in detail in the following sections. { "Project": {}, "InspectionPlanVersion": {}, "Characteristics": [], "Classes": [], "Categories": [], "CharacteristicTags": {} } |< 100% 33% 12% 54% >| ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^ ^ Project | Field | Basic information on the exported project | ^ InspectionPlanVersion | Field | Basic information on the exported quality test plan | ^ Characteristics | Field | All characteristics and stamps | ^ Classes | Field | All used characteristic classes | ^ Categories | Field | All used characteristic categories | ^ CharacteristicTags| Field | All used tags for characteristics | \\ ====== Project ====== General information about the project file are stored in the **Project** field. > **See also** > User’s Guide #@IC_HTML@# > User interface > Function window > [[en:infra-convert:user:interface:pexplorer|Project overview]] "Project": { "Id": "be6d7da6-8e3c-4752-8029-534e3cf4ca3a", "Path": null, "Name": "Test project", "Description": "Test description", "InspectionPlanVersions": [ { "Id": "743b56e7-e352-4c01-9dc5-69bdcc68d986", "Name": "Test inspection plan", "Version": "A", "Description": "Test description", "Files": [ { "Id": "d5a413e5-a329-4021-8cbb-7e174990d5ad", "Name": "A.dwg" }, { "Id": "803960e2-415f-4a56-b558-87036988c6fb", "Name": "B.dxf" } ] } ] }, |< 100% 33% 12% 54% >| ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^ ^ ID | String | Unique identification number (GUID) of the project | ^ Path | String | Path to the project file used to export the inspection plan | ^ Name | String | Project title | ^ Description | String | Description of the project | ^ InspectionPlanVersions | Feld | Lists all inspection plan versions with included drawing files | ^ └ Id | String | GUID of the inspection plan version | ^ └ Name | String | Name of the inspection plan version | ^ └ Version | String | Version number the inspection plan version | ^ └ Description | String | Description to the inspection plan version | ^ └ Files | Feld | Associated drawing files or sheets | ^  └ Id | String | GUID of the drawing sheet\\ \\ (Available from program version | ^  └ Name | String | File name of the drawing sheet | \\ ====== Quality test plan version ====== Basic information about the quality test plan are stored in the **InspectionPlanVersion** field. "InspectionPlanVersion": { "Id": "743b56e7-e352-4c01-9dc5-69bdcc68d986", "Name": "Testprüfplan", "Version": "A", "Description": "Test description", "Attributes": [ { "Key": "Owner", "Value": "" } ], "Files": [ { "Id": "d5a413e5-a329-4021-8cbb-7e174990d5ad", "Name": "A.dwg" }, { "Id": "803960e2-415f-4a56-b558-87036988c6fb", "Name": "B.dxf" } ] }, }, |< 100% 33% 12% 54% >| ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^ ^ Id | String | GUID of the test plan version | ^ Name | String | Name of the test plan version | ^ Version | String | Version number of the test plan version | ^ Description | String | Description of the test plan version | ^ Version | String | Version number of the test plan version | ^ Description | String | Description of the test plan version | ^ Attributes | Feld | Additional test plan attributes\\ \\ (Available from program version 2.10.0) | ^ Files | Feld | Associated drawing files or sheets | ^ └ Id | String | GUID of the drawing sheet\\ \\ (Available from program version | ^ └ Name | String | File name of the drawing sheet | \\ ====== Characteristics ====== All the characteristics of the quality test plan with their properties are stored in the **Characteristics** field. The sequence of the characteristics corresponds to the list item in the test plan. The drawing-sheet-related inspection plan sections are hung together according to the sheet sequence. At the end of this section you will find a diagram that illustrates how the IDs are assigned. > **See also** > User’s Guide #@IC_HTML@# > User interface > Function window > [[en:infra-convert:user:interface:feature|Characteristic properties]] > > User’s Guide #@IC_HTML@# > More > Terms > [[en:infra-convert:user:terms#Stamp/Stamps|Stamp/Stamps]] "Characteristics": [ { "Id": "77170b5d-ec65-4748-97f2-72e0b9db4275", "SourceId": null, "CompareSourceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "DirectCompareSourceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CharacteristicType": "Variable", "ClassId": "5ebc991e-8b53-4d15-8c2b-358b793228d8", "SpecialCategoryId": "3e298f8f-02f1-49cd-82bf-bcdf26da11fe", "CharacteristicTagIds": [], "Label": "Gemittelte Rautiefe Rz 63", "Value": "Rz 63", "NominalValue": "", "NominalUnit": "Micrometer", "UpperTolerance": "63", "LowerTolerance": "", "ToleranceUnit": "Micrometer", "ToleranceTable": null, "ToleranceTableColumn": null, "MinMax": "None", "Fit": null, "Conditions": "None", "Reference": null, "ReferenceSystem": null, "Comment": "", "Count": "1", "Stamps": [ { "Id": "f2b0386f-fb4a-47ca-a6d3-e4afacb576b4", "CompareSourceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Text": "2B", "File": { "Id": "d5a413e5-a329-4021-8cbb-7e174990d5ad", "Name": "A.dwg" }, "DrawingQuadrant": "B7", "StampGraphicFile": "Test plan_A_1.jpg", "PositionX": "0333", "PositionY": "0244", "TargetX": "0320", "TargetY": "0241", "Radius": "0019" } ] } ], |< 100% 33% 12% 54% >| ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^ ^ Id | String | GUID of the characteristic | ^ SourceId | String | GUID of the characteristic from which the characteristic was created by duplicating\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ └ CompareSourceId | String | Original GUID of the characteristic from which the characteristic was created by transfer or merge during the drawing comparison. For several inspection plan versions, this always refers to the very first feature of a linking chain\\ (Available from program version | ^ └ DirectCompareSourceId | String | GUID of the characteristic from which the characteristic was created by transfer or merge during the drawing comparison. Always refers to the direct predecessor feature\\ (Available from program version | ^ IcpId | Integer | ID of the characteristic if it was imported from an ICP project file ("*.icp" is the file format of the predecessor software #@IC_OLD_HTML@#). | ^ Characteristic​Type | String | **Variable** →[[en:infra-convert:user:terms#Merkmal (Prüf-, Qualitäts-)|Variable characteristic]]\\ **Attributive** →[[en:infra-convert:user:terms#Merkmal (Prüf-, Qualitäts-)|Attributive characteristic]] | ^ ClassId | String | GUID of the →[[en:infra-convert:user:terms#Klasse (Merkmals-)|characteristic class]] | ^ Special​Category​Id | String | GUID of the →[[en:infra-convert:user:terms#Kategorie (Merkmal-)|Characteristic category]] | ^ CharacteristicTagIds | String | GUIDs of the tags assigned to the characteristic | ^ Value | String | Text as read from the drawing entry. | ^ Label | String | Title of the characteristic (long text) | ^ Nominal​Value | String | Nominal value (number accuracy is maintained)\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ Nominal​Unit | String | **Millimeter** Unit of the nominal value: Millimeter\\ **Micrometer** Unit of the nominal value: Micrometer\\ **Inch** Unit of the nominal value: Inch\\ **Degree** Unit of the nominal value: Degree\\ **None** Not assigned\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ Upper​Tolerance | String | Upper dimension or limit value. (Number accuracy is maintained) | ^ LowerTolerance | String | Lower dimension or limit value. (Number accuracy is maintained) | ^ Tolerance​Unit | String | **Millimeter** Unit of the tolerance value: Millimeter\\ **Micrometer** Unit of the tolerance value: Micrometer\\ **Inch** Unit of the tolerance value: Inch\\ **Degree** Unit of the tolerance value: Degree\\ **None** Not assigned\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ Tolerance​Table | String | Name of the tolerance table\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ Tolerance​Table​Column | String | Column in the tolerance table\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ MinMax | String | **min** Type of limit: Minimum size (the lower limit is given, the upper limit is naturally determined)\\ **max** Type of limits: Maximum size (the upper limit is given, the lower limit is naturally determined)\\ **None** Both limit sizes are specified or a limit size specification is not applicable. | ^ Fit | String | Tolerance class\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ Conditions | String| Modifiers\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ Reference | String | References from a reference system according to DIN EN ISO 1101\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ Reference​System | String | References from a different reference system than according to DIN EN ISO 1101\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ Comment | String | Comment\\ **null** No value assigned because parameter does not apply | ^ Count | Integer | Number of repetitions of the characteristic | ^ Stamps | Field | Contains the properties of the stamp\\ \\ **Note** Exactly one stamp is assigned to each characteristic, even if it is in a field. | ^ └ Id | String | GUID of the stamp | ^ └ CompareSourceId | String | Original GUID of the stamp from which the stamp was created by transfer or merge during the drawing comparison. For several inspection plan versions, this always refers to the very first stamp of a linking chain\\ (Available from program version | ^ └ Text | String | Characteristic number (including prefix und suffix) | ^ └ File | String | Drawing sheet on which the stamp is located | ^  └ Id | String | GUID of the drawing sheet\\ \\ (Available from program version | ^  └ File | String | File name of the drawing sheet | ^ └ StampGraphicFile | String | File name of the stamp graphic\\ \\ (Available as of programme version 2.5.1) | ^ └ DrawingQuadrant | String | Key to the field in which the characteristic can be found on the drawing sheet | ^ └ PositionX | String | X-coordinate of the stamp in pixels on the drawing graphic\\ (Available from program version | ^ └ PositionY | String | Y-coordinate of the stamp in pixels on the drawing graphic\\ (Available from program version | ^ └ TargetX | String | X-coordinate of the reference point (target point, origin point) of the stamp in pixels on the drawing graphic\\ (Available from program version | ^ └ TargetY | String | Y-coordinate of the reference point of the stamp in pixels on the drawing graphic\\ (Available from program version | ^ └ Radius | String | Size of the stamp, expressed as radius in pixels on the drawing graphic.\\ (Available from program version | \\ > **Allocation of characteristic and stamp IDs** > The following diagram illustrates the assignment of the Ids (Guids) across the inspection plan versions. In case 1, a characteristic is transferred from test plan version A to B and from B to C in the drawing comparison. For example, "Guid C1" is found in version B as a CompareSourceId and as a DirectCompareSourceId, in C consequently only as CompareSourceId. In case 2, inspection plan version B is omitted. > > {{ :de:infra-convert:user:terms:id-zuweisung_beim_zeichnungsvergleich.png?nolink&850 |}} \\ ====== Classes ====== In the field **Classes**, all characteristic classes used in the quality test plan are stored. All available classes are stored in the parameter file CharacteristicClasses.json. > **See also** > Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:characteristicclasses|Parameter file "CharacteristicClasses"]] > > User’s Guide #@IC_HTML@# > More > Terms > [[en:infra-convert:user:terms#Class (characteristic-)|Class (characteristic-)]] "Classes": [ { "Id": "e5391b02-6657-4b4e-adc4-200547aed6e9", "FriendlyName": "Chamfer", "Name": "Chamfer", "Description": "" } ] |< 100% 33% 12% 54% >| ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^ ^ Id | String | GUID of the characteristic class | ^ FriendlyName | String | Name of the characteristic class in short form without spaces | ^ Name | String | Name of the characteristic class in long form | ^ Description | String | Detailed description of the characteristic class | \\ ====== Categories ====== All characteristic categories used in the quality test plan are stored in the field **Categories**. All available categories are stored in the parameter file SpecialCategories.json. > **See also** > Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:specialcategories|Parameter file "StampTemplates"]] > > User’s Guide #@IC_HTML@# > More > Terms > [[en:infra-convert:user:terms#Category (characteristic-)|Category (characteristic-)]] "Categories": [ { "Id": "2bfa891e-ab74-4097-863d-ab5e5019abd7", "UserId": 1, "Id": "6e626731-625f-4f71-a471-2a267d511e18", "FriendlyName": "CommonCharacteristic", "Name": "Standard-Merkmal", "Description": "" } ] |< 100% 33% 12% 54% >| ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^ ^ UserId | String | Friendly ID of the character category | ^ Id | String | GUID of the character category | ^ FriendlyName | String | Name of the characteristic category in short form without spaces | ^ Name | String | Name of the characteristic category in long form | ^ Description | String | Detailed description of the characteristic category | \\ ====== Labels ====== All characteristic categories used in the quality test plan are stored in the field **CharacteristicTags**. All available categories are stored in the parameter file CharacteristicTags.json. > **See also** > Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:characteristictags|Parameter file "CharacteristicTags"]] "CharacteristicTags": [ { "Id": "24c41ca8-871c-456e-b082-22ec2a20216d", "FriendlyName": "TagOne", "Name": "Tag One", "Description": "" }, ] |< 100% 33% 12% 54% >| ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^ ^ Id | String | GUID of the tag | ^ FriendlyName | String | Name of the tag in short form without spaces | ^ Name | String | Name of the tag in long form | ^ Description | String | Detailed description of the tag | ---- **Go to previous page**\\ Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:toltab|Tolerance tables]] **Go to next page**\\ Export > [[en:infra-convert:dev:export:jsonv2|Test plan format JSONV2]]