> Administrator’s Manual #@IC_HTML@# > Configuration and Import
====== Parameter file "StampTemplates" ======
{{ :en:infra-convert:dev:icon_dev_stempelvorlagen.png?nolink&50|}}
The templates for →[[en:infra-convert:user:terms#Stamp/stamps|stamps]] that are assigned to the characteristic categories are defined in the parameter file "StampTemplates.json" (see Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:specialcategories|Parameter file "SpecialCategories"]]). More specifically: these definitions are loaded when a new →[[en:infra-convert:user:terms#Project|project]] is created and saved in the project file. This means that it is only in the project itself possible to later change the stamp templates for a project.
During installation, the parameter file "StampTemplates.json" is saved at the following location:
%ProgramData%\ELIAS GmbH\infra-convert\JsonData\StampTemplates.json
If another parameter file is to be loaded when starting the program, this can be specified in the startup parameter file (see Configuration and Import > Startup parameter file > [[en:infra-convert:dev:parameter#Parameter file for stamp templates]]).
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Administrator tools]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#ID]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Radius]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Shape]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Position/Orientation]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Minimum distance for connection line]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Thickness of the connection line]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Distance to text]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Opacity]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Fill stamp]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Prefix]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Suffix]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Display text]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Color]]\\
• [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#Installation/Uninstallation]]
===== Administrator tools =====
**Export project settings**
You can export the current project settings as project template files ("CharacteristicTags.json", "SpecialCategories.json" and "StampTemplates.json") from the #@IC_HTML@# user interface. (Available from programme version 2.4.1.)\\ **Siehe** User Manual > Settings > Project Settings > Tags > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:label#save_export|Save/Export]]
===== ID =====
Unique, internal identifier for the stamp template.
To create a new template, you can simply use any GUID generator.
"Id": "bf69c190-4bcc-4c2c-9ed1-c67328f4f90e",
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^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ ID | String | GUID of the stamp template |
===== Radius =====
Size of the stamp in an absolute, CAD-internal unit.
> **See also**\\ User Manual > Settings > Project settings > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:stamppattern|Stamp templates]]
"Radius": 2.0,
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ Radius | Double | Value for the radius |
===== Shape =====
Geometry of the stamp symbol.
> **See also**\\ User Manual > Settings > Project settings > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:stamppattern|Stamp templates]]
"Form": 0,
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ Shape | Integer | One of these predefined symbols:\\ **0** VDA symbol\\ **1** Circle\\ **2** Triangle\\ **3** Square\\ **4** Diamond\\ **5** Hexagon\\ **6** Triangle in circle |
===== Position/Orientation =====
Orientation of the stamp relative to the drawing specification if it is generated automatically.
"DefaultPosition": 0,
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ DefaultPosition | Integer | Position:\\ **0** Standard (upper right)\\ **1** Upper right\\ **2** Right\\ **3** Lower right\\ **4** Bottom\\ **5** Lower left\\ **6** Left\\ **7** Upper left\\ **8** Top\\ \\ **Note** From program version 2.4.1 the standard position changes from top right to right. |
===== Minimum distance for connection line =====
Minimum distance of a stamp to a drawing specification, from which a connecting line is marked (in an absolute, CAD-internal unit).
> **See also**\\ User Manual > Settings > Project settings > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:stamppattern|Stamp templates]]
"MinDistanceForConnectionLine": 2.0,
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ MinDistanceForConnectionLine | Double | Value for the minimum distance |
===== Thickness of the connection line =====
Thickness or width with which the connection line is drawn (in an absolute, CAD internal unit)
> **Note** Available from programme version 2.4.1.
> **See also**\\ User Manual > Settings > Project settings > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:stamppattern|Stamp templates]]
"MinDistanceForConnectionLine": 2.0,
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ ConnectionLineThickness | Double | Value for the line thickness.\\ **0** Hairline |
===== Distance to text =====
Distance of a stamp to a drawing specification, if it is generated automatically (in an absolute, CAD-internal unit).
"DistanceToText": 2.0,
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ DistanceToText | Double | Value for the distance |
===== Opacity =====
Opacity of the entire stamp.
> **Note** From program version 2.4.1 onwards, the alpha channel should only be given in colour value, see [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates#color|Color]]. If it is specified with this parameter **Alpha**, the alpha value is replaced or added to the colour specification.
> **See also**\\ User Manual > Settings > Project settings > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:stamppattern|Stamp templates]]
"Alpha": 255,
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ Alpha | Integer| Value for the opacity (255: opaque to 0: completely transparent). |
===== Fill stamp =====
Filling of the stamp interior with the color white.
> **See also**\\ User Manual #@IC_HTML@# > Settings > Project settings > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:stamppattern|Stamp templates]]
"FillStamp": true,
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^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ FillStamp | Boolean | **true** Filled\\ **false** Not filled |
===== Prefix =====
Characters written in the stamp label in front of the stamp number
"Prefix": "",
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ Prefix | String | Preceding string. |
===== Suffix =====
Characters written in the stamp label after the stamp number.
"Suffix": "",
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ Suffix | String | Following string. |
===== Display text =====
Texts can be specified in this object, which are displayed in #@IC_HTML@# depending on the user language set.
"LocalizedProperties": [
"Name": "VDA stamp in blue",
"Description": "VDA stamp in blue",
"LanguageCode": "en"
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ Name | String | Display name for the stamp template |
^ Description | String | Description text |
^ LanguageCode | String | Language abbreviation as per ISO 639-1 |
===== Color =====
The color of the stamp symbol is specified in the object **Color**.
"Color": {
"Type": "RGB",
"R": 0,
"G": 0,
"B": 255
|< 100% 33% 12% 54% >|
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^
^ Type | String | Color system:\\ **RGB** Red-Green-Blue\\ **ARGB** Alpha-Red-Green-Blue |
^ A | Integer | Value for the alpha channel (0 … 255, wiht 0 = fully transparent) |
^ R | Integer | Value for the red color channel (0 … 255) |
^ G | Integer | Value for the green color channel (0 … 255) |
^ B | Integer | Value for the blue color channel (0 … 255) |
==== Installation/Uninstallation ====
The following describes the process for deinstalling, reinstalling (installing after previous deinstallation) and installing (without previous deinstallation) #@IC_HTML@# using the parameter file “StampTemplates.json”. Essential preconditions are: the file is at the location where it was installed, and has not been renamed.
> **See also** Introduction > Overview (program version 2) > [[en:infra-convert:dev:intro_preview#installation_uninstallation|Installation/Uninstallation]]
The file is deleted.
An existing file is overwritten.
An existing file is overwritten.
**Go to previous page**\\
Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:specialcategories|Parameter file "SpecialCategories"]]
**Go to next page**\\
Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:uiaccess|Parameter file "UiAccess"]]