~~NOTOC~~ > #@IC_HTML@# Administrator’s Manual > Configuration and Import ====== "UiAccess" Parameter file ====== ---- {{ :en:infra-convert:dev:icon_dev_uiaccess_2.png?nolink&50|}} > **Available from** program version 1.1.5 and onwards The “UiAccess.json” parameter file stipulates which control elements are visible, hidden or disabled in the user interface. The “UiAccess” parameter file is saved at the following location during installation: %ProgramData%/ELIAS GmbH/infra-convert/JsonData/UiAccess.json If another parameter file is to be loaded when starting the program, this can be specified in the startup parameter file (see Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:parameter#Parameter file for showing/hiding/locking control elements]]). \\ //**__Content__**//  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:uiaccess#Administrator tools]]\\  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:uiaccess#Element name]]\\  • [[en:infra-convert:dev:uiaccess#Status]] \\ ===== Administrator tools ===== **Export file with default values** You can export a complete "UiAccess.json" with default settings from the #@IC_HTML@# user interface in administrator mode.\\ **See** User Manual > Settings > Setup > Administration > [[en:infra-convert:user:config:export#export_configuration_files_group|“Export configuration files” group]]. (Available from program version 2.2.3) **Customise and export UiAccess parameters in the user interface** You can affect UiAccess parameters directly in administrator mode and save the result. To do this, start #@IC_HTML@# in administrator mode and click **Edit UIAccess (Admin)** under **Help** in the menu bar. In the dialogue that opens, you can browse all available UiAccess parameters and change the status. Click **OK** or **Apply** to set the result for the current programme call. Click **Save** to save the result for all users. The UiAccess.json is written to the ProgramData directory for this purpose. (Available from program version 2.5.0) \\ ===== Element name ===== Identifier of control element to be affected. "AffectedElementName": "NewProject", |< 100% 23% 12% 65% >| ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^ ^ Affected​Element​Name | String | __File (menu bar), toolbar and start page__\\ **NewProject** File > New; New project\\ **NewProjectFromDrawing** File > New from drawing…; Create project from drawing (from program version 3.0.0)\\ **NewProjectFromTemplate** File > New from template; Create Project from template (from program version 3.2.0)\\ **OpenProject** File > Open; Open project\\ **SaveProject** File > Save; Save project\\ **SaveProjectAs** File > Save as\\ **SaveProjectAsTemplate** File > Save as template…\\ **CloseProject** File > Close project\\ **CloseApplication** File > Exit\\ \\ __Toolbar__\\ **StampTool** ”Stamp tool”\\ **TagTool** ”Tag tool”\\ **EditLayersTool** Show/hide layers + Edit layers (from programme version 2.8.0)\\ **GridTool** ”Tool for defining division of field”\\ **AnnotationTool** Annotation tool (from program version 3.5.0)\\ **EditFiltersTool** Filter characteristics + Edit characteristic filter (ab Programmversion 2.8.0)\\ **HideStampedCharacteristicsTool** "Hide stamped drawing elements"\\ \\ __Toolbar (Drawing comparison only)__\\ **TransferTool** ”Transfer characteristics”\\ \\ __“Edit” (menu bar)__\\ ** ProgramSettingGeneral** ”Settings > General”\\ **ProgramSettingCharacteristics**  \\ “Settings > Characteristics”\\ **ProgramSettingStamp** ”Settings > Stamp”\\ **ProgramSettingImport** ”Settings > Import”\\ **ProgramSettingExport** "Settings > Export“\\ **ProjectSettingsTolerance** ”Project settings > Tolerance tables”\\ **ProjectSettingsTags** ”Project settings > Tags“\\ **ProjectSettingsCategories** ”Project settings > Categories”\\ **ProjectSettingsTemplates** ”Project settings > Stamp templates”\\ **LicenseDialog** "Help > Show License"\\ **LicenseDialogAddLicense** "Help > Show License > Load license"\\ **LicenseDialogLicenseServerSetting** "Help > Show License > License server\\ **LicenseDialogRequestLicense** "Help > Show License > Request license"\\ \\ __“Project overview” window__\\ **ProjectEdit** ”Project > Edit project”\\ **ProjectAddDocument** ”Quality control plan > Add drawings sheet\\ **”ProjectAddInspPlan** ”Add quality control plan”\\ **ProjectEditInspPlan** ”Quality control plan > Edit quality control plan”\\ **ProjectDeleteInspPlan** ”Quality control plan > Delete quality control plan”\\ **ProjectExportMenu** ”Quality control plan > Export as” (used up to program version\\ **ProjectExportJson** ”Quality control plan > Export as Json Quality control plan”\\ **ProjectExportAscii** ”Quality control plan > Export as ASCII Quality control plan”\\ **ProjectExportDocument** ”Quality control plan > Export all Drawing graphics”\\ **ProjectExportStamps** ”Quality control plan > Export all Stamp graphics”\\ **ProcejectExportStamps** ”Quality control plan > Export as > Stamp graphics” (used up to and including program version\\ ** ProjectExportExcel** ”Quality control plan > Export as Excel Quality control plan”\\ **ProjectExportCsv** ”Quality control plan > Export as CSV Quality control plan”\\ **ProjectCloseDocument** ”Quality control plan > Delete drawings sheet”\\ **ProjectCloseDokument** ”Quality control plan > Delete drawings sheet” (used up to and including program version\\ **DocumentVersionOpen** ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Open drawings sheet version”\\ **DocumentVersionRemove** ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Delete drawings sheet”\\ **DocumentVersionExportPdf** ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Export as PDF”\\ **DocumentVersionExportSvg** ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Export as SVG”\\ **DocumentVersionExportDwgDxf** "Quality control plan > Darwing sheet > Export as DWG/DXF"\\**CompareDocument** ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Compare drawings sheet”\\ \\ __ “Characteristics overview window” and “Drawings window”__\\ ** CharacteristicContextMenu** ”Context menu”\\ **DocumentSplitCadBlock** ”Context menu > Explode"\\ **DeleteStampKey** Delete stamp or characteristic with DEL key or via Context menu\\ **CharacteristicListClickOrderTool** Manually number\\ **CharacteristicListNumberClockwiseTool** Number clockwise\\ **CharacteristicListNumberReadDirectionTool** Number in reading direction\\ **CharacteristicListNumberBySortnumberTool** Renumber by list position\\ **CharacteristicListEditStartnumber** Start number\\ **CharacteristicListSortTool** Move in the list\\ \\ __“Characteristics overview” window__\\ **CharacteristicListToolBar** ”Toolbar”\\ **CharacteristicListFilterToolBar** Filter characteristics (used from programme version 2.5.0)\\ ** CharacterListToolBar** ”Toolbar” (used up to and including program version\\ \\ __ “Characteristics properties” window__\\ **CharacteristicDetailsView** ”Characeteristics properties window”\\ **CharacteristicDetailsStampNumber** Stamp number field (used from programme version 2.5.0)\\ **CharacteristicDetailsStampPrefix** Prefix field (also applied to the stamp-with-dialogue; used as of programme version 2.5.0)\\ **CharacteristicDetailsStampPostfix** Suffix field (also applied to the stamp-with-dialogue; used as of programme version 2.5.0)\\ **CharaterDetailsView** ”Characeteristics properties window” (used up to and including program version\\ \\ __General__\\ **UnsavedChangesDialog** Dialog window "Unsaved changes", which is displayed when closing a project or the program if there are still unsaved changes; in this way a saving can be prevented at this point. | \\ ===== Status ===== Accessibility status of control elements. **Note 1** Settings dialogues can only be locked (“Disabled” status), even if the status “Hidden” or “Collapsed” is assigned to them. **Note 2** The dialog window "Unsaved changes" (parameter "UnsavedChangesDialog") is completely suppressed with the parameters "Disabled", "Hidden" and "Collapsed". "AccessStatus": "Disabled" |< 100% 33% 12% 54% >| ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Value/Content ^ ^ AccessStatus | String | **Accessible** Accessible and visible (default value)\\ **Disabled** locked\\ **Hidden** Invisible, but occupying space\\ **Collapsed** Invisible and not occupying space\\ | ---- **Scroll backwards**\\ Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:stamptemplates|"StampTemplates” parameter file]] **Scroll forwards**\\ Configuration and Import > [[en:infra-convert:dev:toltab|Tolerance tables]]