~~NOTOC~~ > User Manual #@IC_HTML@# > User interface > Function windows ====== Annotation properties ====== ---- > **Available from**\\ Program version 3.5.0 In the function window **Annotation properties** you can view and change the properties of annotations. {{page>en:infra-convert:user:annotations_general_note}} \\ //**__Content__**//  • [[#Structure]]\\  • [[#Properties]] \\ ==== Structure ==== In addition to the element name (1), properties that determine content and appearance are displayed and editable: Text (2), Contour (3), Filling (4), Size (5) and Position and Orientation (6). {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:funktionsfenster_anmerkungseigenschaften.png?nolink |}} \\ ==== Properties ==== **Overview** Annotations are inserted into the drawing sheet as individual elements. Position and orientation on the sheet refer to the center of the annotation. An annotation can contain text and can have an contour and a fill. All properties are described below. The adjacent example shows an annotation with text over two lines, a contour of the shape rectangle with corner radius. The size is automatically determined by the size of the text field and a distance to the contour (padding). **Tip** If an annotation is to consist of more complex content that cannot be realized by customizing the available properties, it can also be created outside #@IC_HTML@# and loaded as a raster image, for example PNG. The following example shows an image combined with the text "C". {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:anmerkung_bild_und_text.png?nolink |}} {{ :de:infra-convert:user:interface:anmerkung_aufbau.png?nolink |}} |< 100% 10% 20% 35% 35%>| ^ Property ^^ Brief description ^ Reference ^ ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_anmerkung.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Annotation name | Name for the element, which facilitates identification, but does not have to be unique | | ^ Text ^^^^ ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_texteingabe.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Text | Text content of the annotation, also multiline | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_farbauswahl.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Text color | Annotation text color | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_texthoehe.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Text size | Font size¹ | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_textausrichtung_zentriert.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Text alignment | Horizontal alignment of the text: **Left-aligned** ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_textausrichtung_links.png?nolink&10|}}), **Centered** ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_textausrichtung_zentriert.png?nolink&10|}}), **Right-aligned** ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_textausrichtung_rechts.png?nolink&10|}}) | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_textausrichtung_vertikal_mitte.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Vertical text alignment | Vertical alignment of the text: **Align top** ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_textausrichtung_vertikal_oben.png?nolink&10|}}), **Vertical centered** ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_textausrichtung_vertikal_mitte.png?nolink&10|}}), **Align bottom** ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_textausrichtung_vertikal_unten.png?nolink&10|}}) | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_zeilenabstand.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Line spacing | Spacing between text lines as a factor related to the font size | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_schriftart.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Font | Font. Available are fonts installed on the computer | | ^ Contour ^^^^ ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_farbauswahl.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Contourcolor | Color of the contour. An contour can be removed by clicking **Do not use contour**. ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_stempelvorlage_loeschen.png?nolink&10|}}) entfernt werden | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:functions:icon_steuerelement_dropdown-listenfeld.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Shape | Select the shape of the frame or element: Circle/Ellipse, Triangle, Square/Rectangle, Pentagon, ... | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_konturstaerke.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Contourthickness | Width¹ of the frame line | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_eckenradius.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Corner radius | Radius¹ of the four corners of a rectangle | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_padding.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Distance of the text from the contour | Distance¹ of the text content to the frame. Applied only when text is combined with an contouror a color or image fill | | ^ Filling ^^^^ ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_farbauswahl.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Filling color | Fill color of the image or text annotation. A fill can be removed by clicking **Do not use fill color** ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_stempelvorlage_loeschen.png?nolink&10|}}) | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_bild_einfuegen.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Image | Add, change (**…**) or delete image ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_stempelvorlage_loeschen.png?nolink&10|}})\\ \\ **Note** We recommend the PNG format (*.png) | | ^ Geometry ^^^^ ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:functions:icon_steuerelement_optionsfeld.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Auto | Automatically determine the size of the element depending on the content | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:functions:icon_steuerelement_optionsfeld.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Manual | Manually specify the size of the element with width and height | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_elementbreite.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Width | Width¹ of the element | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_verknuepft.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Lock aspect ratio | Preserve the proportions of the element when resizing it ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_verknuepft.png?nolink&10|}}) or make height and width independent ({{:en:infra-convert:user:interface:nicht_verknuepft.png?nolink&10|}}) | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_elementhoehe.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Height | Element height¹ | | ^ Position and orientation ^^^^ ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_position_x.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Position horizontal | Horizontal position of the annotation on the drawing, specified as distance¹ from the sheet origin to the center of the annotation. | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_position_y.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Position vertical | Vertical position of the annotation on the drawing, specified as distance¹ from the sheet origin to the center of the annotation. | | ^ {{ :en:infra-convert:user:interface:icon_neigung.png?nolink&0x50 |}} ^ Inclination | Rotation angle of the annotation in degrees | | | ¹ in drawing units, i.e. usually millimeters or inches |||| ---- **Go to previous page**\\ User interface > Function windows > [[en:infra-convert:user:interface:annotationtable|Annotation overview]] **Go to next page**\\ User interface > Customization > [[en:infra-convert:user:interface:drwcomp|Drawing comparison]]