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Using the ELIAS Excel Add-In

After the Excel Report Add-In was installed you have a new slider in Excel called “ELIAS Reports”. Activate this slider to use the Add-In:

These are the functions of the Add-In:

  1. Load inspection plan: Load an ICP file. Load the contents of the infra-CONVERT project file into the template (see below).
  2. Add inspection plan: Load an additional ICP file in this inspection plan. The features will be added to the current features.
  3. Save inspection plan: Saves the current document as an Excel file. This file can be edited with another computer which has Excel installed. You don't need infra-CONVERT there!
  4. infra-CONVERT: Opens a drawing or project file in infra-CONVERT to create or edit an inspection plan. The data will then appear in the template which is selected.
  5. Template: Choose a template in which the data of the project file or infra-CONVERT will be loaded into.
  6. Backup file: If you start infra-CONVERT out of this Add-In, this option allows you to specify a backup directory where the project file will be saved. Specify the path with the three dots behind the option text.
  7. Help: Opens this wiki in your web browser.
  8. Language: Choose the language of the Add-In.
en/infra-convert/add-in/use.1470665038.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/08 16:03 by mw