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Administrator’s Guide infra CONVERT > Export

CSV test plan format

Available in
program version 1.1.5 and onwards

CSV is a file format with a simple structure. Values are assigned to parameters in columns. Semicolons (“;”) are used as delimiters to separate the values.

Note We recommend the JSONV1 format over the DFD format for connecting with your software package. It includes more transferable information and supports all features of infra CONVERT.

You can trigger the export in the start parameter file; see Configuration and Import > Startup Parameter File > Prüfpläne und gestempelte Zeichnungen exportieren.


 • Title line
 • Characteristic data

Title line

Contains data that applies to the entire test plan

When saving in infra CONVERT, the user will be asked for all values. The parameter names depend on the language version of the software.

See also
User manual infra CONVERT > Functions > Export > Export test plan > Workflow
Parameter/column Content
Part number Individual string
Part name Individual string
Part change status Individual string
Drawing Number Text Individual string
Drawing change Individual string
Comment Individual string

Characteristic data

Contains all of the test plan data in a fixed order. The parameter names depend on the language version of the software.

Parameter/column Content
StampText Stamp marking

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
Tag Title

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
Value Value

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
NominalValue Nominal value

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
UpperTolerance Upper tolerance

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
LowerTolerance Lower tolerance

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
UpperLimit Upper limit value/maximum value, calculated from the nominal value and lower tolerance / upper deviation limit when exporting.
LowerLimit Lower limit value/minimum value, calculated from the nominal value and upper tolerance / lower deviation limit when exporting.
CharacteristicType Type

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
Class Class

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
Fit Tolerance class

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
Comment Comment

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
ToleranceTable Tolerance table

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
ToleranceTableColumn Tolerance class or “column”

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
DrawingQuadrant Field

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
CharacteristicGraphic Stamp graphic file name

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
CharacteristicTypeId Type ID (1 = variable; 0 = attributive).

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
CharacteristicClassId ID of the characteristic class as allocated in infra - CONVERT.
CharacteristicId Unique GUID for the characteristic.
SpecialCategoryId Category ID

See More > Category (characteristic-)
SpecialCategoryText Category

See More > Category (characteristic-)
Tags Tags, separated by commas (“,”)

See User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties
Requirement Requirement

See Administrator’s Guide > Configuration and Import > Parameter file “CharacteristicClasses” > Formatting the “Requirement” export variable

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Export > DFD test plan format (ASCII transfer format)

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Appendix > Example Startup parameter file

en/infra-convert/dev/export/csv.1539158428.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/10 10:00 by me