blue DAT • infra DAT
mdm TOOL
blue DAT • infra DAT
mdm TOOL
infra CONVERT user manual > User interface > View
The viewing tools can be accessed via the toolbar; several can also be accessed via keyboard shortcuts or mouse keys. The following tools are available.
Move sheet
CTRL + 5 or central mouse key
Moves the drawings sheet in the same plane. Click on the view, keep the key depressed and move the sheet.
Zoom-in tool
CTRL + 6 or mouse wheel
Zooms in on the point where the mouse pointer is clicked in 25% steps.
Zoom-out tool
CTRL + 7 or mouse wheel
Zooms out from the point where the mouse pointer is clicked in 25% steps.
Dynamic zoom tool
CTRK + 8
Zooms view seamlessly, depending on the distance between the mouse pointer and the position clicked. Click on the view, keep the key depressed and move up or down.
Selected area zoom tool
CTRL + 9
Enlarges a framed area to fit the Drawings window. Click on a corner of the selection, keep the key depressed and draw a frame, then release the key.
Zoom in on centre
Zooms in on centre of view in 25% steps.
Zoom out from centre
Zooms out from centre of view in 25% steps.
Entire drawings sheet
Adjusts the drawings sheet to fit the window.
Rotate view
Rotates the view or drawings sheet in 90-degree steps.
Scroll backwards
User interface > View > Window tools
Scroll forwards
Functions > Projects > Create new project