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infra CONVERT Administrator’s guide > Configuration and Import

"UiAccess" Parameter file

Available in
program version 1.1.5 and onwards

The “UiAccess.json” parameter file stipulates which control elements are visible, hidden or disabled in the user interface.

The “UiAccess” parameter file is saved at the following location during installation:

%ProgramData%/ELIAS GmbH/infra-convert/JsonData/UiAccess.json

If another parameter file is to be loaded when starting the program, this can be specified in the startup parameter file (see Configuration and Import > Parameter file for showing/hiding/locking control elements).


 • Element name
 • Status

Element name

Identifier of control element to be affected.

"AffectedElementName": "NewProject",
Parameter Type Value/Content
Affected​Element​Name String “File” (menu bar) and toolbar
NewProject”File > New project”; “New project”
OpenProject ”File > Open project”; “Open project”
SaveProject ”File > Save project”; “Save project”
SaveProjectAs ”File > Save project as“
CloseProject ”File > Close project”
CloseApplication ”File > Close”

StampTool ”Stamp tool”
TagTool ”Tag tool”
GridTool ”Tool for defining division of field”

Toolbar (Drawing comparison only)
TransferTool ”Transfer characteristics”

“Edit” (menu bar)
ProgramSettingGeneral ”Settings > General”
“Settings > Characteristics”
ProgramSettingStamp ”Settings > Stamp”
ProgramSettingImport ”Settings > Import”
ProgramSettingExport “Settings > Export“
ProjectSettingsTolerance ”Project settings > Tolerance tables”
ProjectSettingsTags ”Project settings > Tags“
ProjectSettingsCategories ”Project settings > Categories”
ProjectSettingsTemplates ”Project settings > Stamp templates”

“Project overview” window
ProjectEdit ”Project > Edit project”
ProjectAddDocument ”Quality control plan > Add drawings sheet
”ProjectAddInspPlan ”Add quality control plan”
ProjectEditInspPlan ”Quality control plan > Edit quality control plan”
ProjectDeleteInspPlan ”Quality control plan > Delete quality control plan”
ProjectExportMenu ”Quality control plan > Export as”
ProjectExportJson ”Quality control plan > Export as > Json”
ProjectExportAscii ”Quality control plan > Export as > ASCII Transformat”
ProjectExportDocument ”Quality control plan > Export as > Drawing graphic”
ProjectExportStamps ”Quality control plan > Export as > Stamp graphics” (used from program version upwards)
ProcejectExportStamps ”Quality control plan > Export as > Stamp graphics” (used up to and including program version
ProjectExportExcel ”Quality control plan > Export as > Excel”
ProjectExportCsv ”Quality control plan > Export as > CSV”
ProjectCloseDocument ”Quality control plan > Delete drawings sheet” (used from program version upwards)
ProjectCloseDokument ”Quality control plan > Delete drawings sheet” (used up to and including program version
DocumentVersionOpen ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Open drawings sheet”
DocumentVersionRemove ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Delete drawings sheet”
DocumentVersionExportPdf ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Export as PDF”
DocumentVersionExportSvg ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Export as SVG” (available from program version upwards)
CompareDocument ”Quality control plan > Drawings sheet > Compare drawings sheet”

“Characteristics overview window” and “Drawings window”
CharacteristicContextMenu”Context menu”
DocumentSplitCadBlock ”Context menu > Break down” (available from program version upwards)
DeleteStampKey Delate stamp or characteristic with DEL key or via Context menu (from program version upwards)

“Characteristics overview” window
CharacteristicListToolBar ”Toolbar” (used from program version upwards)
 CharacterListToolBar”Toolbar” (used up to and including program version

“Characteristics properties” window
CharacteristicDetailsView ”Characeteristics properties window” (used from program version upwards)
CharaterDetailsView ”Characeteristics properties window” (used up to and including program version

UnsavedChangesDialog Dialog window “Unsaved changes”, which is displayed when closing a project or the program if there are still unsaved changes; in this way a saving can be prevented at this point (from program version


Accessibility status of control elements.

Note 1 Settings dialogues can only be locked (“Disabled” status), even if the status “Hidden” or “Collapsed” is assigned to them.

Note 2 The dialog window “Unsaved changes” (parameter “UnsavedChangesDialog”) is completely suppressed with the parameters “Disabled”, “Hidden” and “Collapsed”.

"AccessStatus": "Disabled"
Parameter Type Value/Content
AccessStatus String Accessible Accessible and visible (default value)
Disabled locked
Hidden Invisible, but occupying space
Collapsed Invisible and not occupying space

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Configuration and Import > "StampTemplates” parameter file

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Configuration and Import > Tolerance tables

en/infra-convert/dev/uiaccess.1548664818.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/28 09:40 by me