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Administrator’s Guide infra CONVERT > Introduction


Preview of infra CONVERT v2

infra CONVERT can be adapted very flexibly to the most diverse needs. Behaviour and appearance can be predefined with parameter files.

The configuration and template files

A distinction is made between configuration files, which influence the program behavior, and template files. Project templates are read in when a new project is created and stored in it. Other templates are read during runtime.

Parameter files are written in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON, see also here).

File Content Description
Transfer on program start
settings.json Program or basic settings Configuration and import > "Settings" Parameter file
UiAccess.json Accessibility of the user interface controls (lock or hide controls) Configuration and import > "UiAccess" Parameter file
Transfer when creating a new project
SpecialCategories.json Categories Configuration and import > Parameter file "SpecialCategories"
CharacteristicTags.json Tags Configuration and import > Parameter file "CharacteristicTags"
StampTemplates.json Stamp templates Configuration and import > Parameter file "StampTemplates"
CharacteristicClasses.json Classes Configuration and import > Parameter file "CharacteristicClasses"
Read during runtime
*.json Tolerance tables (several files) Configuration and import > Parameter file “Settings” > List of the settings > “Project settings > Tolerance tables” menu

Configuration and import > Tolerance tables
Excel test report templates Configuration and import > Parameter file “Settings” > List of the settings > “Settings > Export” menu

User Manual > More > Create and customize Excel templates

The directories for configuration and template files


The default directory for configuration and template files is

%ProgramData%\ELIAS GmbH\infra-convert\

Here the files are assigned to the following directory levels:

File Directory level Note
settings.json .\ The storage location can be set by start parameter
UiAccess.json .\JsonData\ The storage location can be set by start parameter

Die Verwendung der Datei ist optional
SpecialCategories.json .\JsonData\ The storage location can be set by start parater
CharacteristicTags.json .\JsonData\ The storage location can be set by start parameter
StampTemplates.json .\JsonData\ The storage location can be set by start parameter
CharacteristicClasses.json .\JsonData\ The storage location can be set by start parameter
Weitere Vorlagen
*.json .\ExcelReports\ The storage location is defined in the “settings.json
.\ToleranceTables\ The storage location is defined in the “settings.json

For the standard configuration and template directory (“ProgramData”) another directory can be specified with the special start parameter “forceConfigDir”. See “Configuration and Import > Startup parameter file (first paragraph)”.


User-specific configurations and templates are stored in the respective AppData directory of the user:

%AppData%\ELIAS GmbH\infra-convert\

The same directory level hierarchy applies here as for ProgramData. In particular, if a user saves settings without administrator rights or write access to the ProgramData directory, the user's changes are written to the AppData directory.

In the following, the handling of parameter files is explained step by step. First, using the example of a normal program run without a start parameter call, then with a start parameter call.

Behavior without start parameter call

Start the program

In the first scenario, infra CONVERT is started regularly (without administrator rights). The program settings (“settings.json”) are loaded from ProgramData. The “UiAccess.json” contains settings for locking or hiding individual controls.

Change settings

If the user changes settings (Edit (menu bar) > Settings) and saves them, the changes are stored in his AppData directory.

From now on, the saved changes override the settings from ProgramData.

Note To prevent a user from changing settings, the associated user interfaces can be locked via UiAccess.

Create new project

The user creates a new project based on the project templates for categories, tags, stamp templates and classes. The available tolerance tables are listed for the user and are available for use. He then loads two drawing sheets, here from a “Workspace” directory.

The user can customize the definitions for categories, tags and stamp templates in the user interface (Edit (menu bar) > Project Settings). The changes are saved in the project. The definitions of classes cannot be changed afterwards. Saving the definitions in the project ensures the interchangeability of projects.

Stamp and export

The user stamps the drawing and creates the test plan. He saves the project (*.icpx) and finally exports the completed test plan as Excel file (*.xlsx) and the stamped drawing sheets as PDF (*.pdf) to directories he has specified, for easier viewing here to “Workspace”. The template for the test report is an Excel template file (*.xltx).

Operating the program in administrator mode

In the second scenario, infra CONVERT is started with administrator rights. The administrator mode is intended to adjust configurations for all users. At startup, the settings are loaded as in regular mode.

When saving, however, the settings are written to the ProgramData directory. The “settings.json” in AppData will become invalid and will be deleted for the user who is working as administrator at that moment.

Behavior at start parameter call

Start parameters can be used to implement automatisms that facilitate the work flow with always the same work processes. This administration is necessary if infra CONVERT is integrated into a CAQ/MES system and is also useful if standard settings and workflows are to be given to the user. The available start parameters are, with the exception of “forceConfigDir”, summarized in a start parameter file, see Configuration and Import > Startup parameter file.

The following example shows some possibilities for working with start parameter calls. The start parameter file refers to a “settings.json”, a “UiAccess.json” and four project template files; the location for the tolerance tables is specified in the “settings.json”. For a simpler representation, all files are loaded from a “Config” directory, this can be located on a company server, for example. However, the location and distribution of the storage locations are arbitrary.

The storage locations specified in the start parameter file are always preferred, the files located there are expected and read out. An exception is the “settings.json”. First the “settings.json” is read from ProgramData. This is overlaid by the “settings.json” passed by the start parameter and then, if available, by the “settings.json” loaded from AppData. The last loaded definition is therefore the leading one.

Note If the “settings.json” passed by start parameter should have priority over the user-defined “settings.json” from AppData, this can be specified as an option at the start parameter command. See “Configuration and Import > Startup Parameter File > Settings”.


Erst- oder Neuinstallation

Bei der Installation werden die folgenden Konfigurations- und Vorlagendateien mit Standardwerten in das ProgramData-Verzeichnis geschrieben.


Bei der Installation einer neuen über eine ältere Version (Update) oder einer Reparatur werden Toleranztabellen und Excel-Vorlagendateien mit Standardvorlagen überschrieben, sofern der Dateiname dem Standard bei der Installation entspricht. Umbenannte oder eigens erstellte Dateien werden nicht geändert oder gelöscht.


Bei der Deinstallation werden die folgenden Konfigurations- und Vorlagendateien aus dem ProgramData-Verzeichnis entfernt. Umbenannte oder eigens erstellte Dateien werden nicht geändert oder gelöscht.

64-Bit- über 32-Bit-Version installieren

Die Installation einer 64-Bit-Version (ab Programmversion über eine 32-Bit-Version von infra CONVERT verhält sich wie eine reguläre, oben beschriebene, Überinstallation. Die 64-Bit-Version wird nach “C:\Program Files” installiert, das Installationsverzeichnis der 32-Bit-Version aus “C:\Program Files (x64)” wird gelöscht. Hinsichtlich Parameterdateien gilt es lediglich, den folgenden Aspekt zu beachten:

Beim jeweils ersten Programmstart durch einen Benutzer nach wird geprüft, ob sich Parameterdateien im VirtualStore-Verzeichnis des Benutzers befinden. Falls vorhanden, werden diese in das AppData-Verzeichnis des Benutzers kopiert. Dabei wird nur die Differenz zwischen den beiden “settings.json” in AppData und ProgramData in AppData abgelegt. In den meisten Fällen werden nicht alle vier Projektvorlagendateien im VirtualStore zu finden sein, sondern nur “SpecialCategories.json” und “CharacteristicTags.json”. Wir empfehlen grundsätzlich, die Projektvorlagendateien nicht in AppData zu pflegen, sondern zentral in ProgramData. Bei einem Nutzer pro Rechner können Sie einfach die Parameterdateien händisch aus AppData nach ProgramData kopieren, bei mehreren Nutzern sollten Sie sich entsprechend einigen.

Anmerkung Was ist der VirtualStore? − Der VirtualStore wird bei 32-Bit-Programmen vom Windows-Betriebssystem automatisch als Ersatz herangezogen, wenn ein Programm von einem Benutzer ohne Schreibrechte für das ProgramData-Verzeichnis ausgeführt wird und dieser Einstellungen speichert. Dieser Mechanismus wird als UAC-Virtualisierung bezeichnet (UAC = User Account Control). Ob eine UAC-Virtualisierung angewendet wird, kann im TaskManager auf der Seite Details eingesehen werden. Üblicherweise ist die Spalte “UAC-Virtualisierung” ausgeblendet, kann aber einfach durch Rechtsklick auf die Kopfzeile hinzugefügt werden. Das VirtualStore-Verzeichnis findet sich unter ”%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\ProgramData\ELIAS GmbH”. Der Ordner “ELIAS GmbH” ist normalerweise ein ausgeblendetes Element.

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Configuration and Import > Startup parameter file

en/infra-convert/dev/intro_preview.1587465961.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/21 12:46 by me