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User manual infra CONVERT > More

Create and customize Excel templates

infra CONVERT allows you to export the contents of a test plan directly into a Microsoft Excel workbook. All you need is an excel template file (“*.XLTX”, “*.XLTM”) formatted as described below and Microsoft Excel on the computer on which the export is performed. Using the template, infra CONVERT creates an Excel file (“*.XLSX”, “*.XLSM”, “*.XLS”) with the test plan parameters you specify.

The supplied test report templates are installed by default in the location opposite.

%ProgramData%/ELIAS GmbH/infra-Convert/ExcelReports

Excel templates can be set up and formatted according to your wishes. You can customize the templates provided or create new templates. Place the templates in the folder named ExcelReports above. When exporting test plans, these templates are available, see Functions > Export > Export test plan > Step 2d.

Important Only one worksheet of infra CONVERT can be filled. The position of the sheet in the workbook is irrelevant, but it must be active respectively visible when the template file is saved.

infra CONVERT writes the inspection characteristics line by line, this means among themselves. Name the first cell in the column to be filled with a value with one of the variables from the table below. How to define names in Excel is described in Microsoft Office Help here: Defining and Using Names in Formulas.

Important Each name can only be assigned once.

Various variables are available to describe the inspection characteristics with their properties. The following parameters are available.

Name Description Reference
CharacteristicClassId ID (“ELIAS-ID”) der Merkmalklasse

Note Available as of program version
More > Terms > Class (characteristic-)

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: CollClass
CharacteristicGraphic File name of the stamp graphic including the file ending

Note Available as of program version
User interface > Function window > Features properties > Properties

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColGraphicFile
CharacteristicId Unique GUID for the feature

Note Available as of program version
Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: CollD
CharacteristicType Characteristic type (variable, attributive) More > Terms > Characteristic (test-, quality-)

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColAttributeType
CharacteristicTypeId Characteristic type ID (1 = Variable; 0 = Attributive)

Note Available as of program version
More > Terms > Class (characteristic-)

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColAttributeType
Class Characteristic class More > Terms > Class (characteristic-)

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColClass
ClassSymbol Graphic symbol or label More > Terms > Class (characteristic-)
Comment Comment User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColComent
Conditions Modifiers

Note Available from program version 2.2.7
User interface > Function windows > Characteristic properties > Properties > Modifiers
Terms > More > Specification operators and modifiers (ISO GPS)
Count Number of repetitions

Note Available from program version 2.2.7
User interface > Function windows > Characteristic properties > Properties > Properties > Count
DrawingQuadrant Field division More > Terms > Drawing sheet

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColDrawingQuadrant
DrawingSheet File name of the drawing sheet including the file ending

Note Available as of program version
Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColGraphicFile
Fit Tolerance class (specifiction of fits) More > Terms > Tolerance table

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColPassung
Label Characteristic title, as displayed in infra CONVERT User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties > Properties > Titel

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColLabel
LowerLimit Lower limit value/minimum value, calculated from the nominal value and upper tolerance / lower deviation limit when exporting*

Note Available as of program version
More > More > Measurement (sizes-)
LowerTolerance Lower Tolerance* More > Terms > Measurement (sizes-)

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColToleranceLow
MinMax Tag: Limit dimension in one direction (min., max.)

Note Available from program version 2.2.7
Settings > Settings > Merkmale > “Limit values in one direction (min., max.)” group
NominalUnit Unit of measurement

Note Available from program version
More > Terms > Measurement (sizes-)
NominalValue Value of the nominal value* More > Terms > Measurement (sizes-)

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColValue
PositionX X-coordinate of the stamp in pixel

Note Available as of program version
Functions > Characteristics > Reposition and align stamp

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColPositionX
PositionY Y-coordinate of the stamp in pixel

Note Available as of program version
Functions > Characteristics > Reposition and align stamp

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColPositionY
Radius Size of the stamp, indicated as radius in pixel

Note Available as of program version
Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColDiameterStamp
Reference Reference

Note Available from program version 2.2.7
User interface > Function windows > Characteristic properties > Properties
Requirement Complete requirement, individually formattable for each feature class. Administrator's Manual > Configuration and Import > Parameter file “CharacteristicClasses” > Formatting the export variable "Requirement"

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColLabel
SpecialCategory Category More > Terms > Category (characteristic-)
SpecialCategoryGuid Category GUID

Note Available as of program version
More > Kategorie (Merkmal-)
StampText Stamp inscription More > Terms > Stamp/stamps

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColStampText
Tags Label/Tag More > Terms > Label
TargetX X-coordinate of the reference point (target point, origin point) of the stamp in pixel

Note Available as of program version
Functions > Characteristics > Reposition and align stamp

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColDestinationPositionX
TargetY Y-coordinate of the reference point (target point, origin point) of the stamp in pixel
(Available as of program version
Functions > Characteristics > Reposition and align stamp

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColestinationPositionY
ToleranceTable Tlolerance table More > Terms > Toleranztabelle

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColToleranceTable
ToleranceTableColumn Tolerance class in Tolerance table (column) More > Terms > Toleranztabelle

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColToleranceTable
ToleranceUnit Unit of the tolerance limits

Note Available from program version
More > Terms > Measurement (sizes-)
UpperLimit Upper limit value/maximum value, calculated from the nominal value and lower tolerance / upper deviation limit when exporting*

Note Available as of program version
More > More > Measurement (sizes-)
UpperTolerance Upper Tolerance* More > Terms > Measurement (sizes-)

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColToleranceHigh
Value Value

Note Available as of program version
User interface > Function window > Characteristic properties

Field name in Excel Report Add-In for infra - CONVERT with approximate equivalent: ColText

* [Note The restriction described in the following no longer applies from programme version 2.5.3. From this version onwards, numerical values are no longer exported as text but as numbers.] Nominal and tolerance values are output as a text string to match the representation in the specification on the drawing. If you want to continue calculating with the numeric values, it may be useful to convert the strings into numbers. You can use the Excel VALUE function for this.

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Export drawing from the CAD system > Siemens PLM > Solid Edge 2019

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More > Create test plans from a collective drawing

en/infra-convert/user/exceltemp.1616077384.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/18 15:23 by me