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Administrator's Manual infra CONVERT > Export

Quality test plan format JSONV2

Available from
program version

The test plan export format JSONVx is based on the data exchange format JSON, which can be read by all common programming languages. Compared to exchange formats such as CSV and DFD, it represents a larger scope of test plan information created with infra CONVERT.

Vx indicates the version status of the included test plan data structure. The current version is JSONV2. JSONV1 will continue to be maintained. However, we recommend to prefer JSONV2.

The versions of the JSON test plan format in the overview:

Version* Available Main characteristic / changes compared to the previous version
1   as of v1.0.0.0 A specific test plan version of a project is shown.
2.0 as of v1.4.2.1 All test plan versions of a project are displayed in an overall structure.
2.1 as of v2.7.9 Optional single characteristics formed on the basis of the number of repetitions are no longer exported as individual characteristic copies identical except for the stamp text. Instead, only one feature object is exported with a list of the assigned stamp texts (“MultiCharacteristicSplitStampTexts”).
See User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > „Dimensions with details of repetitions“ group
* – Main and minor version number. The latest main version is used for the corresponding JSONVx export.

The JSONV2 export can be triggered either from the user interface or via start parameter call.
See User manual > Functions > Export > Export test plan
See Configuration and import > Start parameter file > Export quality test plans and stamped drawings


 • Basic Structure
 • Quality test plan version
 • Characteristics
 • Classes
 • Categories
 • Stamp templates
 • Labels

Basic Structure

A JSONV2 file is a closed export, meaning that no external resources or tables are required. “ExportFormatVersion” and “InfraConvertVersion” identify the export format and the exporting system. The directory tree with the root “Project” contains the project data. The field “InspectionPlanVersions” lists the test plan versions with the respective drawing sheets and characteristics. The cross-project definitions for classes, categories, stamp templates and tags are expanded in the fields “Classes”, “Categories”, “StampTemplates” and “CharacteristicTags”. They are assigned to the characteristics using reference IDs (GUIDs). The structure within the fields is explained in detail in the following sections.

  "ExportFormatVersion": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 1
  "InfraConvertVersion": "2.7.9",
  "Project": {
    "Name": "Example project",
    "Description": "",
    "InspectionPlanVersions": [],
    "Classes": [],
    "Categories": [],
    "StampTemplates": [],
    "CharacteristicTags": []
Parameter Typ Wert/Inhalt
Export​Format​Version Field Contains the version number of the JSON test plan format
└ Major Integer Main version number
└ Minor Integer Minor version number
Infra​Convert​Version String Program version of infra CONVERT
Project String Contains the project data
└ Name String Name bzw. Titel des Projekts
└ Description String Description of the project
└ Inspection​Plan​Versions Field Contains the test plan versions with the characteristics
└ Classes Field Contains the class definitions
└ Categories Field Contains the categroy deifinitions
└ Stamp​Templates Field Contains the definitions for the stamp templates
└ Characteristic​Tags Field Contains the label definitions

Quality test plan version

The field test plan versions lists all the test plan versions contained in a project with the respective assigned drawing sheets and characteristics.

See also
User manual infra CONVERT > User interface > Function window > Project overview
"InspectionPlanVersions": [
    "Id": "7b80d8ef-6eef-4be1-af57-cca058828124",
    "Name": "Example test plan",
    "Version": "A",
    "Description": "",
    "Documents": [
        "Id": "2755a199-752c-427e-aa7a-d0d19ee86007",
        "Name": "ez-29002675001-84-0_1.dwg",
        "Extents": {
          "MinX": 0.0,
          "MinY": 0.0,
          "MinZ": 0.0,
          "MaxX": 420.0,
          "MaxY": 297.0,
          "MaxZ": 0.0,
          "RotationAngle": 0.0
        "Characteristics": []
Parameter Type Value/Content
Id String Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the project
Name String Name or title of the test plan version
Version String Version number of the test plan version
Description String Description of the test plan version
Documents Field Contains all drawing sheets of the test plan version
└ Id String GUID of the drawing sheet
└ Name String Name of the drawing sheet
└ Extents Field Contains the outer dimensions of the drawing sheet
 └ MinX Double X-coordinate of the lower left corner in drawing units
 └ MinY Double Y-coordinate of the lower left corner in drawing units
 └ MinZ Double Z-coordinate of the lower left corner in drawing units
 └ MaxX Double X-Coordinate of the upper right corner in drawing units
 └ MaxY Double Y-Coordinate of the upper right corner in drawing units
 └ MaxZ Double Z-Coordinate of the upper right corner in drawing units
 └ Rotation​Angle Double Rotation angle of the drawing sheet in degrees
└ Characteristics Field Contains the characteristics assigned to a drawing sheet


The field Characteristics contains all characteristics assigned to a drawing sheet with their properties. The sequence of the characteristics corresponds to the list position in the test plan.

See also
User manual infra CONVERT > User interface > Function window > Characteristics

User Manual infra CONVERT > Further > Terms > Stamp/Stamps
"Characteristics": [
    "Id": "23553146-b049-4875-80e4-33a40a0d5d1f",
    "SourceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "CompareSourceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "DirectCompareSourceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "IcpId": "1",
    "CharacteristicType": "Variable",
    "ClassId": "bea94ebe-84de-4653-86a5-dd600a45070e",
    "SpecialCategoryId": "6e626731-625f-4f71-a471-2a267d511e18",
    "CharacteristicTagIds": [
    "Label": "Length 8",
    "Value": "8",
    "NominalValue": "8",
    "UpperTolerance": "0.2",
    "LowerTolerance": "-0.2",
    "ToleranceTable": "DIN ISO 2768-1:1991-06",
    "ToleranceTableColumn": "m",
    "MinMax": "None",
    "Fit": "",
    "Conditions": "",
    "Reference": "",
    "ReferenceSystem": "",
    "Comment": "",
    "Count": 2,
    "MultiCharacteristicSplitStampTexts": [
    "Stamp": {
      "Id": "61094ab8-c467-49ac-927d-0ef6333f7139",
      "CompareSourceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "Text": "1",
        "Column": "8",
        "Row": "A"
     "Position": {
       "X": 166.57601430037806,
       "Y": 232.21485376832985,
       "Z": 0.0
     "Target": {
       "X": 166.4193231832,
       "Y": 225.87109451380002,
       "Z": 0.0
     "StampGraphicFiles": [
       "C:\\Users\\user1\\Desktop\\test.icpx\\JPG\\Example test plan_A_1.JPG",
       "C:\\Users\\user1\\Desktop\\test.icpx\\PNG\\Example test plan_A_1.PNG"
Parameter Type Value/Content
Id String GUID of the characteristic
SourceId String GUID of the characteristic from which the characteristic was created by duplication
└ CompareSourceId String Original GUID of the characteristic from which the Characteristic was created by transferring or merging during drawing comparison. For several test plan versions, always refers to the very first characteristic in a link chain
└ Direct​Compare​SourceId String GUID of the characteristic from which the charactaristic was created by transfer or merge during drawing comparison. Always refers to the direct predecessor characteristic
IcpId Integer ID of the characteristic if it was imported from an ICP project file (“*.icp” is the file format of the predecessor software infra - CONVERT).
Characteristic​Type String Variable →Variable characteristics
Attributive →Attributive characteristics
ClassId String GUID of →Characteristic class
Special​Category​Id String GUID of →Characteristic category
Characteristic​Tag​Ids String GUIDs of the tags assigned to the characteristic
Value String Text as read from the drawing entry
Label String Title of the characteristic
Nominal​Value String Nominal value (Numerical accuracy is maintained)
Upper​Tolerance String Upper dimension or limit value (Numerical accuracy is maintained)
LowerTolerance String Lower dimension or limit value (Numerical accuracy is maintained)
Tolerance​Table String Name of the tolerance table
null No value assigned, because paramter soes not apply
Tolerance​Table​Column String Column in the tolerance table
MinMax String min Type of limit: Minimum size (the lower limit is given, the upper limit is naturally determined)
max Type of limit: Maximum size (The upper limit is given, the lowe limit is naturally determined)
None Both limit dimensions are specified or a limit dimension specification is not applicable
Fit String Tolerance class
Conditions String Modifiers
Reference String References from a reference system according to DIN EN ISO 1101
Reference​System String References from reference systems other than DIN EN ISO 1101 (“B system”)
Comment String Comment
Count Integer Number of repetitions of the characteristic
Stamps Field Contains the characteristics of the stamp
└ Id String GUID of the stamp
└ CompareSourceId String Original GUID of the stamp from which the stamp was created by transfer or merge when comparing drawings. For multiple test plan versions, always refers to the very first stamp in a link chain
└ Text String Stamp inscription
└ Field String Contains the key of the field in which the characteristic stamp is located

null Field key is not assigned
 └ Column String Value for the column
 └ Row String Value of the row
└ Position Field Contains the coordinates of the position of the stamp on the drawing sheet

See also Function > Characteristics > Repositioning and aligning stamps
 └ X String X-coordinate of the stamp in drawing units
 └ Y String Y-coordinate of the stamp in drawing units
 └ Z String Z-coordinate of the stamp in drawing units
└ Target Field Contains the coordinates of the reference point of the stamp on the drawing sheet

See also Function > Characteristic > Reposition and align stamp
 └ X String X-Coordinate of the stamp reference point in drawing units
 └ Y String Y-Coordinate of the stamp reference point in drawing units
 └ Z String Z-Coordinate of the stamp reference point in drawing units
└ Stamp​Graphic​Files Field Stamp graphics exported for this stamp, specified as a file path. All exports that have been run during a session are listed. For stamp graphics exported via start parameter call: The JSONV2 target definition must follow after the stamp graphic target definitions

Note Available as from programme version 2.7.5


The Classes field lists all the characteristics classes defined in the project.

See also
Configuration and import > Parameter file "CharacteristicClasses"

User Manual infra CONVERT > More > Terms > Class (characteristic-)
"Classes": [
    "Id": "e5391b02-6657-4b4e-adc4-200547aed6e9",
    "FriendlyName": "Chamfer",
    "Name": "Chamfer",
    "Description": "",
    "QdasClass": 0,
    "OldEliasId": 33,
    "NominalUnit": "None",
    "ToleranceUnit": "None"
Parameter Type Value/Content
Id String GUID of the Characteristic class
FriendlyName String Description of the characteristics class in short form without spaces
Name String Description of the characteristics class in long form
Description String Detailed description of the characteristics class
QdasClass String Value of the Q-DAS-Class
OldEliasId String ID of the characteristic class
NominalUnit String The nominal dimension assigned →Unit of measurement
ToleranceUnit String The tolerance assigned →Unit of measurement


The Categories field lists all characteristic categories defined in the project.

See also
Configuration and import > Parameter file "StampTemplates"

User manual infra CONVERT > More > Terms > Category (characteristic-)
"Categories": [
    "Id": "2bfa891e-ab74-4097-863d-ab5e5019abd7",
    "FriendlyName": "AuxiliaryDimension",
    "Name": "Hilfsmaß",
    "Description": "",
    "StampTemplateId": "4a9aa00c-1297-411b-994e-033db76f127b"
Parameter Type Value/Content
Id String GUID of the characteristic category
FriendlyName String Description of the characteristic category in short form without spaces
Name String Description of the characteristic category in long form
Description String Detailed description of the characteristic category

Stamp templates

The StampTemplates field lists all stamp templates defined in the > See also

Configuration and Import > Parameter file "StampTemplates"
"StampTemplates": [
    "Id": "6929b308-651b-45b8-9967-6befeeb5e2d8",
    "Radius": 2.0,
    "Form": 0,
    "DefaultPosition": 0,
    "MinDistanceForConnectionLine": 10.0,
    "DistanceToText": 2.0,
    "FillStamp": true,
    "ColorString": "#FFD65532",
    "Name": "VDA stamp in red",
    "Description": ""
Parameter Type Value/Content
Id String GUID of the Stamp template
Radius Double Size of the stamp
Form Double Form of the stamp
Default​Position Double Orientation of the stamp
Min​Dinstance​For​Connection​Line Double Minimum distance od the stamp to the reference point from which a connecting line is drawn
DistanceToText Double Distance of the stamp from the reference point
FillStamp String Stamp filling
true Yes
false No
ColorString String Colour of the stamp, hexadecimal with value for the alpha channel (ARGB)
Name String Name of the stamp template
Description String Description of the stamp template


In the field CharacteristicTags all characteristic tags defined in the project are defined.

See also
Configuration und import > Parameter file "CharacteristicTags"
"CharacteristicTags": [
    "Id": "24c41ca8-871c-456e-b082-22ec2a20216d",
    "FriendlyName": "TagOne",
    "Priority": 1,
    "ColorString": "#FFF7931E",
    "Name": "Tag One",
    "Description": ""
Parameter Type Value/Content
Id String GUID of the tag
FriendlyName String Name of the tag in short form, without spaces
Priority Double Priority of the tag
ColorString String Color of the tag, hexadecimal with value for the alpha channel (ARGB)
Name String Name of the tag in long form
Description String Description of the tag

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en/infra-convert/dev/export/jsonv2_neu.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/15 11:08 by me