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Administrator’s Guide infra CONVERT > Configuration and Import

"Settings" Parameter file

All the basic settings (“Settings” Menu in the program) are stored in the parameter file “settings.json”. A superior description of how to use the parameter file is described under “Introduction > Overview (program version 2)” respectively “Introduction > Overview (program version 1)”.

During installation, the “settings” parameter file is saved at the following location:

%ProgramData%\ELIAS GmbH\infra-convert\settings.json

If another parameter file is to be loaded when starting the program, this can be specified in the startup parameter file (see “Configuration and Import > Settings”).

Important If the parameter file is faulty, this can lead to a program crash. Please only change designated parameters (). Please do not delete parameters marked with and do not change values assigned to them.

Administrator tools

Export file with default values

You can export a complete “settings.json” with default settings from the infra CONVERT user interface in administrator mode. (Available from program version 2.2.3)
Siehe User Manual > Settings > Setup > Administration > “Export configuration files” group.


The settings are written in fields with the structure shown here.

From program version applies:

"Culture": {
  "Value": "de",
Parameter Type Value/Content
Value Value of the setting

For older program versions applies:

"Culture": {
  "Name": "Culture",
  "Value": "de",
  "DefaultValue": "de",
  "ValueType": "System.Globalization.CultureInfo, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089",
  "IsTempSetting": false
Parameter Type Value/Content
Name String Name of the setting; always includes the field name.
Value Value of the setting
DefaultValue Factory-set value
ValueType String Internal parameters, including data type and program library to be used.
IsTempSetting Boolean Internal parameter.

List of the settings

The following table lists the values for the setting parameters and links to detailed descriptions.

“Settings > General” menu
Name Value Link
Monochrome​Mode​Enabled Monochrome moen:
true on
false off
User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Display” group
Cad​View​Background​Color Background colour in HTML colour code User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Display” group
MultisamplingLevel Improve image quality by antialiasing
16 Level: 16
8 Level: 8
4 Level: 4
2 Level: 2
0 Off
User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Display” group
Use​Mipmapping​For​Palette​Images Improve display of raster graphics through Mipmapping:
true on
false off
User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Display” group
Culture Language:
de German
en English
fr French
it Italian
es Spanish
zh Chinese
User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Language” Group > Table
Default​Project​Folder File path to default project folder User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Project” group
ProjectTemplatesPath File path to the default project template folder

Note Available only in the Pro version and from program version 3.2.0.
User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Project” group
Allow​Duplicate​Inspection​Plan​Versions Allow duplicate titles for each quality control plan and version:
true on
false off
User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Project” group
Allow​Test​Plan​Versions​Number​Change The quality control plan version can be changed by the user:
true on
false off
User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Project” group
Allow​Compare​With​Newer​Versions Allow drawings to be compared with newer quality control plan versions or those with the same name:
true on
false off
User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Project” group
Autosave​Enabled Save project automatically:
true on
false off
User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Project” group
Autosave​Interval Interval for automatic saving of the project in minutes (format: integer) User manual > Settings > Settings > General > “Project” group
LicenseServerUrl Network address of the licence service (host and port as URL) Settings > Settings > General > “License server” group
ActiveUserSessionsVisible Display users in license dialog

Note Available from program version 2.4.11.
Settings > Settings > General > “License server” group

“Settings > Characteristics” menu
Name Value Link
Allow​Multiple​Characteristic​Tags Characteristic may have multiple tags:
true Apply label
false Reset label
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > "Common" group
Confirm​Characteristic​Delete Ask before deleting characteristics:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > "Common" group
Title​Pattern Format title of variable characteristics User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > "Format characteristic title" group
Title​Pattern​Attributive Format title of attributive characteristics User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > "Format characteristic title" group
Significant​Digits​Default Converted results (Degree, Minute, Second to decimal) and calculations (Tolerance value as a fraction of the nominal value) are rounded to … significant digits More > Terms > Numerical precision
Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Numerical precision” group
Significant​Digits​One Converted results (Degree, Minute, Second to decimal) and calculations (Tolerance value as a fraction of the nominal value) are rounded to … significant digits if the first relevant digit is a '1'. More > Terms > Numerical precision
Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Numerical precision” group
Characteristic​Create​With​Minimum​Decimal​Places Create numerical values with at least n decimal places
0 Settings > Settings > Characteristic > “Number format” group
Characteristic​Attributive​Characteristic Attributive characteristics are
SingleSelection ignored in multiselection mode
Always always created
Never always ignored
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Attributive characteristic” group
CharacteristicInfotext​Characteristic Auxiliary dimensions are
SingleSelection ignored in multiselection mode
Always always created
Never always ignored
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Word specifications” group
Characteristic​Dimension​Without​Tolerance Characteristics from dimensions without tolerance entry directly at nominal value are
SingleSelection ignored in multiselection mode
Always always created
Never always ignored
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Measurements without tolerance entry at nominal dimension” group
Characteristic​Min​Max Limit values in one direction (min./max.):

The following applies from program version upwards:
WithoutTolerance Create limit value as nominal value
WithOneTolerance Create nominal value with upper or lower tolerance
WithBothTolerances Create nominal value and limit value as tolerances
OnlyOneTolerance Create limit value only
Never Ignore supplementary 'min./max.' information

The following applies up to the above program version:
WithoutTolerance Create without tolerances
WithOneTolerance Create with upper or lower tolerance
WithBothTolerances Create with nominal value and tolerance
OnlyOneTolerance Create with one tolerance and nominal value of zero
Never Always ignore
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Limit values in one direction (min., max.)” group
Characteristic​Min​MaxNullTolerance Limit value in one direction (min./max.): zero values are not applied in characteristic:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Limit values in one direction (min., max.)” group
Characteristic​Dimension​Nominal​Value​Null Characteristics with nominal value of zero are
SingleSelection ignored in multiselection mode
Always always created
Never always ignored
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Characteristics with nominal dimensions zero” group
Characteristic​Angle​Dimensions Create angle dimensions as
true variable characteristic
false attributive characteristic
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Angular measurements” group
Multi​Characteristic​Splitt Create individual characteristics from dimensions, indicating repetitions:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Dimensions with details of repetitions” group
Characteristic​Auxiliary​Dimension Auxiliary dimensions are
SingleSelection ignored in multiselection mode
Always always created
Never always ignored
User manual > Settings > Settings > “Auxiliary dimensions” group
Characteristic​Auxiliary​Dimension​Use​Tolerance Auxiliary dimensions: use tolerances:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Auxiliary dimensions” group
Characteristic​Theoretic​Dimension Theoretically precise measurements are
SingleSelection ignored in multiselection mode
Always always created
Never always ignored
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Theoretically precise measurements” group
Characteristic​Theoretic​Dimension​Use​Tolerace Theoretically precise measurements: use tolerances:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Theoretically precise measurements” group
Characteristic​Geometric​Dimensioning​​Tolerancing Processing the shape and positional tolerances:
Nominal Nominal value = width of the tolerance zone; Upper tol. = 0; Lower tol. = 0
NominalWithLower Nominal value = width of the tolerance zone; Upper tol. = 0; Lower tol. = (-1) x width of the tolerance zone
Upper Nominal value = 0; Upper tol. = width of the tolerance zone; Lower tol. = 0
NominalWithUpper Nominal value = width of the tolerance zone; Upper tol. = width of the tolerance zone; Lower tol. = 0
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Shape and positional tolerances” group
Characteristict​Gdt​Null​Tolerance Shape and positional tolerances: zero values are not applied in the characteristic:
true Yes
false No
Settings > Settings > Characteristics> “Shape and positional tolerances” group
Characteristic​Radius​Enable Define radius as
true “Radius” class
false ”Curve” class
User manual > Settings > Settings > “Radii” group
Characteristic​Use​Roundnes​Or​Leght​Tolerance Radius measurement: general tolerances applied:
true Table for curves and chamfers
false Table for linear measures
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Radii” group
Characteristic​Chamfer​Variable Create chamfer as
true variable characteristic
false attributive characteristic
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Chamfers” group
Characteristic​Chamfer​Edges Edges with indeterminate shape: if no nominal value is defined, nominal value = 0:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Edges with indeterminate shape" group
Characteristic​Roughness Surface parameters: Nominal Nominal value = limit value; Upper tol. = 0; Lower tol. = 0
NominalWithLower Nominal value = limit value; Upper tol. = 0; Lower tol. = (-1) x limit value
OnlyOneTolerance Nominal value = 0; Upper tol. = nominal value; Lower tol. = 0
NominalWithUpper Nominal value = limit value; Upper tol. = limit value; Lower tol. = 0
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Surface parameters” group
Characteristic​Roughness​Null​Tolerance Surface parameters: zero values are not applied in the characteristic:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Settings > Characteristics > “Surface parameters” group
Roughness​Dictionary Simplified surface parameters: assignment of letter (Key) and numerical value (Value) User manual > Settings > Settings > “Simplified surface specifications” group

“Settings > Stamp” menu
Name Value Link
DefaultStampStart​Value Initial value

Info Observe permitted range of values!
User manual > Settings > Settings > Stamp > “Marking” group
DefaultStampIncrement​Setting Increment

Info Observe permitted range of values!
User manual > Settings > Settings > Stamp > “Marking” group
MinimumStampNumberDigits Minimum number of digits
0 Do not specify a minimum number
1 to 10 Number of digits

Note Available as of programme version 2.6.1
User manual > Settings > Settings > Stamp > “Marking” group
Merged​Characteristic​Number Labelling of stamp in Drawings Comparison:
NewNumber Reset label
KeepNumber Apply existing label
User manual > Settings > Settings > Stamp > "Marking of the stamps during drawing comparison" group
Automatic​Transfer Transfer of manually inserted characteristics during drawing comparison:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Settings > Stamp > "“Transfer of manually inserted characteristics during drawing comparison” group

“Settings > Import” menu
Name Value Link
Pdf​Default​Import​Setting Behaviour when importing multi-page PDF files:
Ask Allways ask before import
ImportAllPages Allways import all sheets
User manual > Settings > Settings > Import > “PDF drawing files” group
Multi​Layout​Default​Import​Setting Behaviour when importing DXF and DWG files:
Ask Allways ask before import
ImportModel Always import model space only
ImportPaperSpaces Always import all sheets from paper space
ImportAllLayouts Allways import all sheets
User manual > Settings > Settings > Import > “DXF and DWG drawing files” group
Default​Import​Pdf​As​Raster​Image Import PDF as raster graphics:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Settings > Import > “PDF drawing files” group
Default​Import​Pdf​As​Raster​Image​Dpi Resolution or dot density of the raster graphics to be generated, specified as a numerical value User manual > Settings > Settings > Import > “PDF drawing files” group
Default​Import​Pdf​As​Raster​Image​Color​Depth Color depth of the raster graphics to be generated:
0 Color (24 Bit)
1 Color (8 Bit)
2 Grayscale (24 Bit)
3 Monochrome (1 Bit)
User manual > Settings > Settings > Import > “PDF drawing files” group
Suppress​Font​Replacement​Notification Suppress notifications for replaced fonts:
true on
false off
User manual > Settings > Import > “Font replacement” group
Remove​Insignificant​Trailing​Zeros Remove trailing zeros after the decimal point:
true on
false off

Note Available from program version 3.2.4.
User manual > Settings > Settings > Import > “infra - CONVERT project file (*.icp)“ group

“Settings > Export” menu
Name Value Link
ExcelReportsPath Path to directory of template files for export of Excel quality control reports User manual > Settings > Export > “Excel quality control plan” group
ExcelReports​Decimal​Seperator Decimal separator for nominal values and tolerances:
Dot Always use a dot.
Comma Always use a comma.
Culture Depends on the courrent systems' culture.

Note No longer used as of programme version 2.5.3.
User manual > Settings > Export > “Excel quality control plan” group
UseExcelForTableExport Use Microsoft Excel for the export process:
true Yes
false No

Note Available from programme version 2.5.4.
User manual > Settings > Export > “Excel quality control plan” group
TransferDirectlyToExcel Quit without saving to Microsoft Excel:
true Yes
false No

Note Available from program version 3.1.0.
User manual > Settings > Export > “Excel quality control plan” group
OpenExcelAfterExport Open Microsoft Excel after the export process:
true Yes
false No

Note Available from programme version 2.5.4.
User manual > Settings > Export > “Excel quality control plan” group
CsvExportHeaderRow Export additional title row when exporting to a CSV file:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Export > “CSV export” group
DfdFileAdvancedFormat Use UTF-8 character set (AQDEF format):
true Yes
false No

Note Available from program version 4.1.0.
User manual > Settings > Export > “Export in ASCII transfer format” group
GraphicsExportDrawing Drawing graphics, defined by the following parameters in “Value” field:

Jpg File format “JPG”
Png File format “PNG”
Bmp File format “BMP”
Tif File format “TIF”
Gif File format “GIF”

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

zero No value assigned
de Coding: English

Path to directory that is opened directly when saving in File Explorer

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

 Width of graphic in number of pixels
 Height of graphic in number of pixels
8 Colour depth: 8 -bit
24 Colour depth: 24-bit
 Quality level for supersampling:
2 to 5 Steps 2 to 5
 Supersampling method:
None Do not apply supersampling
Box Average
Bilinear Linear
Bicubic Cubic
Bspline B-Spline
Catmullrom Catmull-Rom
Lanczos3 Lanczos 3

WithColor Non-transparent background

Drawing Drawing graphic with stamps
DrawingWithoutStamps Drawing graphic without stamps

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

Note Supersampling is available from program version 2.2.6
User manual > Settings > Export > “Drawing graphic” group
ExportDrawingOnSave Export drawing graphic when saving:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Export > “Drawing graphic” group
GraphicsExportStamps Stamp graphics, defined by the following parameters in “Value” field:

Jpg File format “JPG”
Png File format “PNG”
Bmp File format “BMP”
Tif File format “TIF”
Gif File format “GIF”

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

zero No value assigned
de Coding: English

Path to directory that is opened directly when saving in File Explorer

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

 Width of graphic in number of pixels
 Height of graphic in number of pixels
8 Colour depth: 8 -bit
24 Colour depth: 24-bit
 Quality level for supersampling:
2 to 5 Steps 2 to 5
 Supersampling method:
None Do not apply supersampling
Box Average
Bilinear Linear
Bicubic Cubic
Bspline B-Spline
Catmullrom Catmull-Rom
Lanczos3 Lanczos 3

WithColor Non-transparent background

Stamps Drawing graphics each receive a stamp

zero No value assigned
(The parameter is not currently in use)

Note Supersampling is available from program version 2.2.6
User manual > Settings > Export > “Stamp graphics” group
ExportStampsOnSave Export stamp graphics when saving:
true Yes
false No
User manual > Settings > Export > “Stamp graphics” group
StampExportFilenamePattern Naming of stamp graphics
{GUID} With the GUID of the stamp
{IPT}_{IPV}_{STAMPTXT} Composed of inspection plan title, version and stamp text

Note Available from program version 2.5.0
User manual > Settings > Export > “Stamp graphics” group

“Settings > Annotations” menu
Name Value Reference
Annotation​Templates Definitions for annotation templates:
Value Ordered list of definitions. The definitions should be created only in the software

Note Available from program version 3.5.0
User manual > Settings > Settings > Annotation templates > Properties

“Settings > Administration” menu
Name Value Link
Annotations​Enabled Unlock the annotation function:
true Accessible
false Locked

Note Available from program version 3.5.0
User Manual > Settings > Settings > Administration > “Annotations” group
Inspection​Plan​Version​Attributes Test plan attributes defined by the following parameters in the “Value” field:

Freely definable key (allowed characters: a…z, A…Z, 0…9, _; the default keys must not be deleted!)

List position (value range standard key: 12 to 1; value range free key: ≤ -1 larger value = higher prioritized/positioned).

Display name
 Display text in the software
 … for the respective language:
de German
en English
fr French
it Italian
es Spanish
zh Chinese

Note Available only in the Pro version and as of program version 2.10.0
User manual > Settings > Settings > Administration > "Additional attributes for test plan versions" group

“Project settings > Tolerance tables” menu
Name Value Link
Tolerance​Table​Path Path to the tolerance table directory Administrator’s Guide > Configuration and Import > Tolerance tables
Default​Length​Tolerance​Table GUID of the standard tolerance table for length User manual > Settings > Project settings > Tolerance tables > “Length measurements” group

Administrator’s Guide > Configuration and Import > Tolerance tables > Id
Default​Length​Tolerance​Table​Column Name of default tolerance class/row for length User manual > Settings > Project settings > Tolerance tables > “Length measurements” group

Administrator’s Guide > Configuration and Import > Tolerance tables > Columns
Default​Angle​Tolerance​Table GUID of default tolerance table for angle dimensions User manual > Settings > Project settings > Tolerance tables > “Angular measurements” group

Administrator’s Guide > Configuration and Import > Tolerance tables > Id
Default​Angle​Tolerance​Table​Column Name of default tolerance class/row for angle dimensions User manual > Settings > Project settings > Tolerance tables > “Angular measurements” group

Administrator’s Guide > Configuration and Import > Tolerance tables > Columns
Default​Roundness​Tolerance​Table GUID of default tolerance table for curve radii and chamfers User manual > Settings > Project settings > Tolerance tables > “Radius of curvature and chamfers” group

Administrator’s Guide > Configuration and Import > Tolerance tables > Id
Default​Roundness​Tolerance​Table​Column Name of default tolerance table for curve radii and chamfers User manual > Settings > Project settings > Tolerance tables > “Radius of curvature and chamfers” group

Administrator’s Guide > Configuration and Import > Tolerance tables > Columns

Settings with no control elements in user interfaces
Name Value Link
StampPrefix Value for “Prefix” entered in the Stamp-with-dialog User Manual > Functions > Characteristics > Automatic stamping > Workflow

User Manual > Functions > Characteristics > Manual stamping > Workflow
StampPostfix Value for “Suffix” entered in the Stamp-with-dialog User Manual > Functions > Characteristics > Automatic stamping > Workflow

User Manual > Functions > Characteristics > Manual stamping > Workflow
Zoom​Factor Factor for the zoom with the mouse wheel. User manual > Functions > View > Viewing tools
Zoom​Tool​Factor Factor for the zoom with a zoom-in/zoom-out tool. User manual > Functions > View > Viewing tools
Display​View​Tools Visibility of the view tools in the main toolbar:
true folded out (all visible)
false collapsed (only Show whole drawing sheet visible)

Note Available as of programme version 2.8.0
User interface > Main window > Toolbar > The “Viewing tools” group
New​Char​Dlg​Show​Additional​Symbols Visibility of the fold-out additional keyboard (More symbols) in the quick entry dialog
true folded out (visible)
false folded

Note Available from program version 3.1.0
Functions > Characteristics Manual stamp
Common​App​Data​Path Path to the general program data directory %ProgramData%

Attention Never completely worked. Passed as of program version as start parameter forceConfigDir.
Pdf​Export​Text​As​Geometry Export text as geometry to PDF

Note Available as of programme version 2.7.13
Functions > Export > Export drawing > Workflow > PDF
Dfd​File​Extension Select format of the exported file in ASCII transfer format:
dfd DFD (*.dfd)
dfq DFQ (*.dfq)

Note Available from program version 3.4.8
Functions > Export > Export test plan > Workflow: Export test plan version > Export test plan in ASCII transfer format
ExportAnnotations Export annotations:
true Yes
false No

Note Available from program version 3.5.0
User Manual > Functions > Exportt > Export drawing

User Manual > Functions > Export > Export stamp views

In-program parameters
Name Value Link
After​Load​Macros Functions that optimize drawings during loading
After​Open​Macros​ Functions that optimize drawings when they are opened
Recent​Files Links to recently opened projects listed in the start window User manual > Main window > Start window
RecentDocumentPath Link to the directory from which files were last opened
Characteristic​Text​Formatting No longer used
Stamp​Start​Value No longer used
Show​Caracteristic​Tag No longer used
New​Char​Dlg​Position Last position of the quick entry dialog on the screen Functions > Characteristics > Manually stamp


The following describes the process for deinstalling, reinstalling (installing after previous deinstallation) and installing (without previous deinstallation) infra CONVERT using the parameter file “settings.json”. Essential preconditions are: the file is at the location where it was installed, and has not been renamed.

See also Introduction > Overview (program version 2) > Installation/Uninstallation


The file is neither deleted or changed.


An existing file is not changed.


An existing file is not changed.

Scroll backwards
Configuration and Import > Startup parameter file

Scroll forwards
Configuration and Import > "CharacteristicTags” parameter file

en/infra-convert/dev/settings.1684499854.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/19 14:37 by me